Exercise bikes

aberfeldyweather Posts: 44
edited February 2008 in Road beginners
My wife would like a cross trainer but I have persuaded here to get an exercise bike for home use (we both gym it reg). I use the bike in the gym 2-3 times a week in winter just to keep spinning but my question is. Should I buy a exercise bike with drops and tri bars (spinning bikes) or an upright, or perhaps are they both rubbish?

A turbo trainer is not an option. :(


  • My advice would be get one you can actually sit on first and make sure it's comfy - and the more adjustment the better - i find exercise bikes to be completely different geometry wise to road bikes, and if i was planning to spend some time on one I'd want it to replicate my usual ride as best as possible.
    Has the head wind picked up or the tail wind dropped off???
  • Second hand quality spinning bike rather than an exercise bike with its urk! saddle & general upright position
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Second hand quality spinning bike rather than an exercise bike with its urk! saddle & general upright position
    Not to mention trying to pedal with the pedals so far apart it feels more like riding a horse :cry:
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    I know this may sound like the wimps option but I would suggest thinking about a recumbent exercise bike. I have one and use it especially during winter when I find it easy to pop on a DVD and do a long steady 1-2 hour session where I don't even notice I am exercising. (Actually the better the film the harder I can exercise..)
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    whenever I have a baby, I buy a big piece of exercise equipment! after number one, I bought an exercise bike (since given it to mother in law), after number two I got loads of DVDs and a step (in the cupboard under the stairs), after number three I got an enormously expensive cross trainer (gathering dust in my bedroom) and after number four, I bought my first bike since fniishing uni and haven't stopped cycling since.

    I've never tried a spinning bike, but if given a choice of exercise bike or cross trainer, I would go for cross trainer - it got loads of use before I got hooked on real cycling. The exercise bike was ok-ish but I had to go on it for ages to feel that I'd had a decent workout. On the cross trainer, you could really get a good workout in a shorter time - I found it to be similar in intensity to running.

    Anyway, not having any more kids so I'm sticking with my bike now.