Talking to Yourself....

cyclingfury Posts: 676
edited February 2008 in The bottom bracket
I find that if I am out riding for any reasonable length of time, I start talking to myself. Does anyone else experience this or should I seek professional help?
Titanium Bertoletti


  • Don't worry Cyclingfury. I have exactly the same problem. You're quite sane! :lol:
    Titanium Bertoletti
  • Phew! Thanks for that. It's nice to know I'm not going crazy!!
    Titanium Bertoletti
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    :lol: Cyclingfury...this is you bike speaking. Shut up will you, you're putting me off.
  • Be quiet bike. I told you I'd give you a damn good thrashing if I had anymore of your backchat.........
    Titanium Bertoletti
  • vbc
    vbc Posts: 1,104
    I was out walking this afternoon and found myself singing, "Why do you have to be a... heartbreaker"...rather loud and tunelessly!
  • I find that if I am out riding for any reasonable length of time, I start talking to myself. Does anyone else experience this or should I seek professional help?

    Melchett: Blackadder, started talking to yourself I see.

    Blackadder: Yes, it's the only way I can be sure of intelligent conversation.
    I was only joking when I said
    by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed
  • geoff_ss
    geoff_ss Posts: 1,201
    I talk to myself almost constantly. If I hadn't been doing it all my life I'd be worried it was to do with my advancing years :D

    I do it when I'm in my workshop (especially when I make a mistake), when I'm cycling (discussing the next gear change) and especially when I'm trying to perfect a flying manoeuvre with one of my toy aeroplanes. My wife has given up bothering ... I think ;)

    Old cyclists never die; they just fit smaller chainrings ... and pedal faster
  • I tend to sing while I'm riding just to prove to myself that I'm not out of breath! :wink:

    Can we fix it?
    Yes we can!
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Geoff_SS wrote:
    I talk to myself almost constantly. If I hadn't been doing it all my life I'd be worried it was to do with my advancing years :D

    I do it when I'm in my workshop (especially when I make a mistake), when I'm cycling (discussing the next gear change) and especially when I'm trying to perfect a flying manoeuvre with one of my toy aeroplanes. My wife has given up bothering ... I think ;)

    glad I'm not alone. I did reply once and then deleted for fear of appearing to be nuts. Do you talk out loud though? I at least keep the talking in my head. What I find laughable is when I internally say to myself, "well, if I were you I would do such and such" and then I reply back to myself "well, I am me so I will do such and such".
    I talk out loud to the tv and radio though......
  • Blackadder is right on the money :P :wink:
    "With just a little luck
    A little cold blue steel
    I'll cut the night like a razor blade
    Till I feel the way I wanna feel"
    [Cheap Trick]
  • geoff_ss
    geoff_ss Posts: 1,201
    popette wrote:
    Geoff_SS wrote:
    I talk to myself almost constantly. If I hadn't been doing it all my life I'd be worried it was to do with my advancing years :D

    I do it when I'm in my workshop (especially when I make a mistake), when I'm cycling (discussing the next gear change) and especially when I'm trying to perfect a flying manoeuvre with one of my toy aeroplanes. My wife has given up bothering ... I think ;)

    glad I'm not alone. I did reply once and then deleted for fear of appearing to be nuts. Do you talk out loud though? I at least keep the talking in my head. What I find laughable is when I internally say to myself, "well, if I were you I would do such and such" and then I reply back to myself "well, I am me so I will do such and such".
    I talk out loud to the tv and radio though......

    Unfortunately my thoughts do often manifest themselves as audible mutterings which usually attracts some amused comment from SWMBO.

    I put it down to the fact that until I started school I played entirely on my own as there were no other children living anywhere nearby. I was the only person to talk to :) Well, other than my Teddy of course.

    Old cyclists never die; they just fit smaller chainrings ... and pedal faster
  • I talk to myself alot while riding, but the best bit is screaming to myself to hopefully make me aware of something I'm about to hit.
    Most comonly used : TREE!!!
  • pst88
    pst88 Posts: 621
    What's the first sign of madness? Suggs walking down your driveway.... :lol:
    I don't really talk to myself whilst riding, just the odd expletive now and again if i get cut up or climbing long hills!
    Bianchi Via Nirone Veloce/Centaur 2010
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    I happily chat to myself when out riding, even if i'm going hard and can only talk in gasped breaths! Also do it quite a lot if i'm doing a tricky job at work - get plenty of odd looks! Also find myself singing without realising - plenty of bemused pedestrians when i'm on my way home! :lol: Usually shout at myself when on the turbo- stuff like '2 more minutes you useless &*%$'!
    Just read this back - i'm sure i shouldn't be admitting to this stuff! :shock:

  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,955
    I find myself shouting at the wind for being such a swine quite regularly :D
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    Most comonly used : TREE!!!
    Is that just before you smash into it? :lol:
    CHRISNOIR Posts: 1,400
    While I'm out and about I tend to be interviewed on a chat show - that exists solely in my head - about the finer points of my life so far.

    I agree that it is the behaviour of an oddball but it really can act as a Grade 1 cranial enema!
  • popette wrote:
    Do you talk out loud though? I at least keep the talking in my head.

    I used to keep those internal conversations in my head, but just recently the odd remark has been escaping. Leads to those worrying moments wondering "did I just say that out loud?"

    When I rode motorbikes, I got in to the habit of doing a running commentary on my riding, the road, and the actions of motorists. With the engine noise and full face helmet, I was safe in the knowledge no one would hear it. Now, on the bicycle, they can - working hard on biting my tongue as drivers seem to react badly to hearing of the error of their ways!
  • Whew, I'm not nuts! My favs are...

    Passing every pub "mmmmmm beeeeer" ala homer style
    Realising I'm pottering again "move it fat ass" and "come on you lazy f*&^er!" Always gets me motivated.
    We need a bigger boat.

    Giant OCR 4
    Trek Madone 5.2
    Ridgeback Speed (FCN 15)
  • I tend to sing while I'm riding just to prove to myself that I'm not out of breath! :wink:

    I did that once while poterring along on my MTB. Ipod full blast, singing away, until i'm suddenly aware of someone on a road bike who's caught up to me, pulled alongside, looked me up and down whilst i'm singing, then ridden off.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • ndodd
    ndodd Posts: 54
    spooky i've notice im talking out aloud to my self more and more put it down to approaching the big 40 :oops:
  • sloboy
    sloboy Posts: 1,139
    The tireder I get, the more audible I become. I like to think of it as an exercise induced form of Tourette's Syndrome as the language also tends to get considerably worse as I go.
  • Papa Smurf wrote:
    Most comonly used : TREE!!!
    Is that just before you smash into it? :lol:

    Yep! :lol:
    I use alot of little phrases really..
    "Oh sh1t" - In that surfer type voice when I'm about to come crashing down to earth from a jump.
    "Oops, mind the bump!" - Hits bump... Stacks it... "F**k that, floor, mind the floor!!"
    "C'mon dipsh1t, your not gonna live forever so you may aswell do it now" - When riding up steep hills or down fast DH tracks.
    "Ok brakes, now would be a good time to work.... No seriously... Now would be a really good time to work!!" *Brakes hard, just managing to stop*In between all that I'm always talking crap, either explaining something to myself which I don't fully understand, maybe teaching myself something like French, kinda like mental revision. I often come up with little theory's and 'what if's' which I research when I get in.
    Biking is my thinking time really, it chills me right out and I can think straight with no bullsh1t.
  • Went out yesterday with my mp3 phone tucked in my back pocket and singing along to the beautiful south.
    Just approaching a tw'early packed bus stop when "Don't marry her!" comes on> couldn't resist it and got some very dirty looks and waved umbrellas!! :twisted:

    Can we fix it?
    Yes we can!
  • I used to work on a building site. As it was too noisy for me to have a radio to hand I used to sing to myself all the time. One day a colleague asked me, very very politely, if I talk to myself a lot :oops:. That put paid to any youthful fantasies I had of becoming a rock star!

    Jam butties, officially endorsed by the Diddymen Olympic Squad
  • I talk to myself far to much. Not just out on bike, but at home, and at work as well !
    I am a total nutter and quite proud of it !
    And on the 7th day...............
    God created...........
  • gavintc
    gavintc Posts: 3,009
    My colleagues think I am nuts as I often 'think out loud' when pondering some difficult decision. I use my whiteboard and talk through the options. I find it helps more than internalising the issue.

    On the bike, I talk less as I need to concentrate.
  • Ashley_R
    Ashley_R Posts: 408
    sloboy wrote:
    The tireder I get, the more audible I become. I like to think of it as an exercise induced form of Tourette's Syndrome as the language also tends to get considerably worse as I go.

    I do the same, though I seem to save my most venomous outbursts for the larger hills!

    An incoherent rant is good for the soul!! :twisted:

    Did once worry a mate when riding with him, sure he thought I'd flipped!
    You can lead an elephant to water but a pencil must be lead