Diadora shoe sizing

Beardo Posts: 13
edited February 2008 in Workshop
Hi guys as you can see im new to the forum, and pretty new to cycling.

Im looking into getting some new shoes (Diadora proracer) I have pretty wide feet and was wandering if these would suit.

I am normally a size 9 in shimano so what size would i need in Diadora.



  • Diadora & sidi shoes usually fit me & I have narrow feet.

    I just bought a pair of totally silver Alu-sole diadora shoes on ebay last month which were going cheap. The only reason I bought them off ebay was that I tried them during a Sydney bike show AGES ago, and after all these years I find myself needing new shoes & they're finally on sale... luck!

    Before these I had Sidi Ergo 1 or something which I bought way back in 2001. These had just given up the ghost, and now I'm finally back to velcro straps with the older model diadoras! No more buckle failures! WOOHOO!

    I am also size 9 which equals 43.

    As far as I know gaerne has wider shoes... nice looking too! 8)

    It's best to try shoes on. :wink:
  • Garybee
    Garybee Posts: 815
    I'd also suggest you try them on. Of course that's easier said than done. None of the bike shops within reasonable driving distance of me carry a decent selection.

    Hypocrisy is only a bad thing in other people.
  • Beardo
    Beardo Posts: 13
    Thanks for the reply both of you. May get my local lbs to order some for me.