Road bike fitting service

edited January 2008 in Road beginners
Can any one recommend a road bike fitting service in scotland or very north England?
felix's bike

pedal like you stole something!!!


  • or do i go for good ol paul hewitt?
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • Blonde
    Blonde Posts: 3,188
    Paul Hewitt is very good, but I don't really know about any others in the North - sorry! Depending on what bike you are after and if you have any existing injuries/issues it may be worth going down to London to Cycle Fit. I found them excellent and you can get cheap train tickets in advance on the web. It didn't take me that long to get down there on the train from here (Manchester area) but I don't know where abouts you are.
  • i live in sw scotland, i dont fancy travelling to London just for that lol. i've got an existing bike (lucy) that i just wanted to get set up properly so that i dont have to mess about with it trying to get the best out of it for this coming summer.
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • Eddy S
    Eddy S Posts: 1,013
    Give a try - there are dealers listed in Scotland.

    I had the standard analysis done a few years ago (by Sigma Sport) and still use the measurements/data today for set-up.
    I’m a sprinter – I warmed up yesterday.
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    wheelbase in kendal is the most northerly place I can think of that does a bike fit - and kendal from yours is probably no more hassle than heading up to Glasgow / Edinburgh - and certainly no city driving to be concerned with. an early start, park up at wheelbase, get the fitting and then get some miles in around the lake district - nice day out for you!
  • Mog Uk
    Mog Uk Posts: 964
    I was under the impression that you had a bikefit before you bought a bike so they can advise the best frame geometry, or do they take into account your current geometry and work the saddle/stem/bars around that...?!?
  • Mog Uk wrote:
    I was under the impression that you had a bikefit before you bought a bike so they can advise the best frame geometry, or do they take into account your current geometry and work the saddle/stem/bars around that...?!?

    yeah well what they normally do in the fitting service is take your bike and adjust/change it so it fits you perfect for the job u want i.e comfort or aero or both.
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    For me it would have to be Paul Hewitt, no substitute.
  • Blonde
    Blonde Posts: 3,188
    Mog Uk wrote:
    I was under the impression that you had a bikefit before you bought a bike so they can advise the best frame geometry, or do they take into account your current geometry and work the saddle/stem/bars around that...?!?
    If you are buying a bike then yes, but I went for a fitting because I had knee problems. I went to CycleFit in London and that fitting was about my existing bikes and how they could be adapted if needed, and about assessing my flexibility and my own body measurements - not those of the bike as such. They use video analysis as well as taking actual measurements -including those of various angles (the turn out of feet and knees, the angle of knee when pedal is at 6 or 12 o clock etc). It turns out that one of my legs is effectively shorter than the other (not actually shorter, but due to less flexibility in one hamstring than the other, it is shorter on that side) which is very common. I had custom foot-beds made, taking into account the differences between my feet and leg measurements and then I also had wedges under my left cleat to effectively make the leg the same length as the other one. The end result is that the knee pain has completely gone and my left knee no longer 'waggles' when I pedal. I have also since raised my saddle on my existing bikes as it was too low. The actual bike frame measurements given more or less matched my existing bikes anyway.
  • Felix

    The bicycle works in Edinburgh do it: ... tting.html

    Mrs Wakemalcolm has used it and declares herself happy.
    Cake is just weakness entering the body
  • hi,

    yeah i see the bike works in edin, think i might give them a bash. i phoned up and hes says it costs £35 is it usually that cheap? i was expecting nearer a £100
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • Eddy S
    Eddy S Posts: 1,013
    i phoned up and hes says it costs £35 is it usually that cheap? i was expecting nearer a £100
    £35 is the cost of the standard analysis (which is the system that The Bicycle Works uses).
    I’m a sprinter – I warmed up yesterday.
  • so is that what you would go for consdering i already have the bike?
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • Eddy S
    Eddy S Posts: 1,013
    so is that what you would go for consdering i already have the bike?
    Yeah, for sure. From this analysis you will get the measurements to be able to determine saddle height and positioning, stem height and length and relative handle bar position, handle bar width and even crank length. These are the basic components that you will be able to move and/or change on your current bike to get the desired/correct riding position. It’s then down to you whether you use the shop to make the changes or whether you want to do it yourself.

    You will also get a diagram of a frame showing your ideal dimensions should you ever chose to go down the custom route or to use to make sure you buy as close to ideal if buying an off-the-peg frame in the future.

    I’ve said this before and don’t mind repeating myself – it was probably the best £35 I’ve spent on cycling.

    Hope this helps.
    I’m a sprinter – I warmed up yesterday.
  • Eddy S wrote:
    so is that what you would go for consdering i already have the bike?
    Yeah, for sure. From this analysis you will get the measurements to be able to determine saddle height and positioning, stem height and length and relative handle bar position, handle bar width and even crank length. These are the basic components that you will be able to move and/or change on your current bike to get the desired/correct riding position. It’s then down to you whether you use the shop to make the changes or whether you want to do it yourself.

    You will also get a diagram of a frame showing your ideal dimensions should you ever chose to go down the custom route or to use to make sure you buy as close to ideal if buying an off-the-peg frame in the future.

    I’ve said this before and don’t mind repeating myself – it was probably the best £35 I’ve spent on cycling.

    Hope this helps.

    Cheers Edy, you can have the rest of the day off. :lol: i'll get it booked for when my arm builds itself back up after it being in cast for 6 weeks. the countdown is own until i can ride again woot woooo
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!