bike on plane

zeroshoddy Posts: 59
edited January 2008 in Road beginners
I’m off on a family package hol to Fuertaventura soon (me, mrs, 3 yr and 1 yr old and grand parents) And I’m almost there in convincing Mrs that taking my bike wont be a prob (what with al lteh extra hands)

Anyone skipped a bike into a package hol flight? Did they need to give adv warning? And how much extra to take bike bag on?



  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    zeroshoddy wrote:
    how much extra to take bike bag on?
    Depends on the airline.............some carry f.o.c. (BA?), budget airlines (Ryanair, Squeezyjet) charge c.£40. Again, depending on the airline, you're best off booking the bike on the flight in advance rather than just turn up at the airport with it.

    If SWMBO gives you the OK*, go for it!

    * - this is subject to the usual warnings that when a women says "oh, alright then", she probably really means "over my dead body" etc.
  • Why not try this place & see if they have road bikes for rent:

    You also might want to read the "baggage allowance policies" of many airlines that fly to the Canaries on this page. I've linked directly to them... most of the links still work I think. Just look for the very small links that say "baggage allowance policy"
  • Definitely check baggage policy. Just took a bike to Australia and left it there with my parents. Unfortunately for me, flying there on Qantas, the bike weight was included in my 20kg baggage allowance ... which meant after the box and packaging, I didn't have all that much else left in terms of bringing clothes. Not great given the holiday was not merely for riding a bike.

    Coming back to UK was on BA which allowed 23kg in one bag only ... but one item of sporting goods was also permitted on top of that. Meant that I could have taken over 30kg if I'd flown out with BA (how I wished my flights were the other way round).

    So, if the airline is code-sharing, make sure you know the policy of the actual carrier you are flying with. Also contact them beforehand (Qantas had a facility to do it online) just to make sure they are aware you are bringing a bike.
  • HungryCol
    HungryCol Posts: 532
    The title of the topic sounds like a scary movie with Samuel L Jackson in lycra!! :lol:
    Every winner has scars.
  • bigjim
    bigjim Posts: 780
    Never had a problem with just turning up with the bike and paying on the day. Recently flying to Mallorca with Thomsonfly, at check in I said "I also have my bike". She just stuck a label on it and told me to take it to the large luggage machine. I never paid anything. She did'nt ask so I didn't bother. Result! Usual charge now is £40 return. you have to weigh this up against renting for £80 for a week and bike delivered to hotel already set up with back up if anything goes wrong plus local advice and routes or having the hassle of lugging bike around airports and packing and unpacking the thing. I'd go for remtal for a one week holiday. Any longer I would take my own. I'm lucky I can leaqve my bike at my sisters in Mallorca.

    Jim :lol: [/img]
  • When i come back to the Bahamas to work im going to bring my bike with me. Work can pay for the excess baggage for the bike along with all my other crap they gave me.