Injury one month out...HELP!

frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
edited January 2008 in Road beginners
On behalf of a friend competing in an important competition, I was hoping some of you could given some advice on a injury he has?

His injury is located behind the knee, sort of where the hamstring joins the calf. It twinges when he flexes the calf muscle and hurts when he extends his leg fully at the knee.

He is currently training 15-18 hrs a week (not all riding) and is a month out from the competition, so reducing the amount significantly wouldn't be ideal.

Any advice would be much appreciated, as the last thing he wants to do is sit out of the competition he has been training so hard and long for.
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  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709

    go and see a doctor, physiotherapist or some other suitably qualified medical expert
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  • DavidTQ
    DavidTQ Posts: 943
    Best to see a sports specialist a regular GP isnt always as good at sports specific stuff.
  • HungryCol
    HungryCol Posts: 532
    It sounds like a serious cartiod decompression of the patella. It will eventually lead to death.

    This is the kind of advice you get from the internet. DONT! Go see a qualified, preferably Sports Dr.
    Every winner has scars.
  • another vote for a sports specialist, see yellow pages etc. a gp will just look scratch his arse and give him some cream or tablets lol.
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    Yep, Ii would go with all of the above. Your friend must go to his G.P. who will refer him to a specialist. Just remember, you only have one life and by aggrivating an injury your friend may be making the biggest mistake of his. Whatever your friend is training for, there is always(NEXT TIME).Nothing is more important than your health and well being. If your friend is one of those whose scared of the Doctors then as a friend make it your business to get him there. Ademort
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  • My experience is that the GP won't be much help. Will probably tell you to rest and take pain killers. GP's are good at symptoms, but not causes. Find a physio, pay a few bucks and get the source of the problem treated properly.

    Apologies to any GPs who read - that's just my experience!

  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Yes, go see a gp who will then refer you to a specialist or physio who will charge you loads to tell you to rest for 2 weeks minimum !!!
    Actually I have had similar problem a few times, though cannot guarentee it is identical.
    I get the pain when pulling up on pedal when climbing or flexing calf and it is at the top of calf just at the point your hamstring finishes.
    Strangely mine can dissapear as quick as it happens ( sometimes in a day) so I always warm up before ride and use low gear to start and use deep heat on muscles to keep warm.