First Winter Jaunt - Way Home Got Pulled By M.O.D Police!

mookboy Posts: 39
edited January 2008 in MTB general
I dipped my toe in manly XC today when I went for a ride round Gouthwaite Reservoir, I'd been trying to get a bit fitter since buying my Fury before trying something tougher. Really enjoyed it (13miles - twice as far as I'd ever done before) and some of the trails on the East side were bloomin' crazy for someone as novice-like as me! Came home covered in mud even with Crud Catchers on, and had more than a couple of almost-over the bars moments on the more... rugged farmers tracks, that were turned into either bogs or 4-5inch mini-rivers.

Anyway. I capped a great day by pulling over on my way home to take a snap on my camera phone of the RAF radar station at Menwith Hill (looks like a load of massive Golf balls) and before I knew it I had a 4x4 with M.O.D police in it flying towards me with all the lights going. Suffice to say I nearly crapped meself! Actually at that point the first thought I had was the bike on the rack covering my number plate... hah hah, and not that I might be put in a dark room with some GCHQ torturer! Scary MOD police dude jumped out and came over to ask me what I was doing and who I was. I had no ID on me either, so he did a number plate check whilst doing a close scrutiny of the whole car... seemed to take forever. I think my heart was pumping faster than on any of the hills I'd ridden up earlier. Thankfully I didn't get done with being a terrorist or trying to case the place, it's just they need to know who is taking pictures.

What a weird way end to the day.
