tcr vs scr

webbhost Posts: 470
edited January 2008 in Road beginners
Ok, may have been posted before, but I couldn't find it.

What is the difference between a TCR bike and a SRC bike?

They both look about the same?

Can someone fill me in on what i've not picked up yet?



  • System_1
    System_1 Posts: 513
    The SCR is more of a distance/commuting bike and the TRC more of a race bike.

    SCR has less severe headtube and seatube geometry which helps make it more comfortable, and has a taller headtube as well to give a more upright, less racy riding position. Also think is has mounts for proper mudguards and panniers which the TCR lacks.
  • webbhost
    webbhost Posts: 470
    sounds like its TCR for me :D Thanks for clearing that up.

    The club in my area (not joined yet) is more of a time trial club, so I figure a TCR would bbe a better option for that too.
