How to enter time trials

vermooten Posts: 2,697
edited January 2008 in Pro race

I received my 2008 cycling time trials handbook yesterday and am wondering, as a noob, how do I enter these events? I'm pretty sure the site used to have an entry form that could be downloaded but I can't find it. Maybe they're just updating the site?

You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

Manchester Wheelers


  • r0bh
    r0bh Posts: 2,493
    The CTT site was badly hacked recently and they are slowly trying to rebuild the site. Hence lots of stuff that was on there is now missing.

    If you need a copy urgently PM me with your email address and I'll send it to you.

    cheers, Rob
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    To save r0bh the trouble there's one here on my club's website: ... index.html

  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697
    Thanks for the link Ruth - now I can enter your Little Mountain Hill Climb! I notice that you're on the DVD too.

    Thanks too r0bh!
    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    I wondered why the website wasn't working very well! Must mean my handbooks due soon. Funny, i was going to enter the little mountain TT - have made it one of my goals for my first season. Don't suppose anyone is planning on recceing the course between now and then? Think those timed climbs might be worth checking out before the day!

  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    RichieG - you've reminded me that last year we did organise a course recce round the Little Mountain course, about 2 weeks beforehand. A group of about 25 riders did it at a gentle pace, just to get the lie of the land and to see what they faced on the hills, before racing it 2 weeks later. I'll see if we can't get something similar sorted again this year. I'll let you know.

    Vermooten - you mean the CTT DVD? Yeah - I'm on it for the Nat 25 and the Nat 100 and at one point they obviously think I'm so good they repeat me - so everyone can watch me going down the same bit of road twice over! I hope the drippy-nose syndrome isn't too obvious on the close-ups too - I was painfully conscious that I probably didn't look too pretty while the motorbike was alongside but I thought maybe wiping the snot onto my track mitt at that moment wasn't an option! :lol:

  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    BeaconRuth wrote:
    To save r0bh the trouble there's one here on my club's website: ... index.html


    Thats interesting that form as a former promoter, handicapper, Timekeeper to see a current entry form.

    Vermooth.....Manchester wheelers havn't got a time trial secretary or one of your promoters with spare entry forms as I allways had a supply for my old club.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697
    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    RichieG - you've reminded me that last year we did organise a course recce round the Little Mountain course, about 2 weeks beforehand. A group of about 25 riders did it at a gentle pace, just to get the lie of the land and to see what they faced on the hills, before racing it 2 weeks later. I'll see if we can't get something similar sorted again this year. I'll let you know.

    That would be good - i like to know what i'm letting myself in for! Just got my handbook, so trying to work out my goals for my first season. It seems to be coming round very quickly!
  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697
    Have sent off my entry form for the Little Mountain TT - Ruth please don't snot all over it, it took me ages to get it right.
    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • How soon in advance do u need to enter most TT?

    I want to get a PB time for a 100 (sadly we have none in Ireland)- can u suggest a fast one? (or a very fast one :-) )
    and how soon should i look to apply.

    Also I do not live in UK but presume an irish licence is good

  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Richie G wrote:
    That would be good - i like to know what i'm letting myself in for! Just got my handbook, so trying to work out my goals for my first season. It seems to be coming round very quickly!
    We will be organising a course-recce, open to anyone who fancies coming along. It will be on 12th April in the morning, meeting in Great Witley. Watch the event website for further details.
    Vermooten wrote:
    Have sent off my entry form for the Little Mountain TT - Ruth please don't snot all over it, it took me ages to get it right.
    How soon in advance do u need to enter most TT?

    I want to get a PB time for a 100 (sadly we have none in Ireland)- can u suggest a fast one? (or a very fast one Smile )
    and how soon should i look to apply.

    Also I do not live in UK but presume an irish licence is good
    There's actually no advantage in entering a TT much before the closing date. If an event is oversubscribed there are strict rules about who gets a ride and who doesn't based on previous performances, not on when the entry was received. So there's no need to send an entry in until a few days before the closing date (which is usually about 2 weeks before the event).

    The fastest 100's in the country are probably the BDCA 100 on 14th June and the Team Swift 100 on 6th Sept. Another potentially fast one is the ECCA 100 on 6th July. You'll get plenty of traffic assistance at all of those if that's what you're looking for.

    You can expect the BDCA and Team Swift to be full fields so you'll probably need a past performance to get in those. Not sure about the ECCA, but as explained above, there's no benefit to entering in advance of the closing date.

    I believe that you can take part in CTT time trials if you have a UCI-recognised licence. Is your Irish licence UCI-recognised?

  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697
    BeaconRuth wrote:
    There's actually no advantage in entering a TT much before the closing date.
    From a strictly personal perspectve, early entry has a kind of motivating effect for me. I get to put the event into my special spreadsheet and it helps me train, especially when I don't feel like it.

    The only problem then is when the alarm goes off at 5:30am on the day and I decide that life's too short to not stay in bed.
    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    We will be organising a course-recce, open to anyone who fancies coming along. It will be on 12th April in the morning, meeting in Great Witley. Watch the event website for further details.

    That sounds good - now where's that entry form?

    From a strictly personal perspectve, early entry has a kind of motivating effect for me.

    I'm the same - particularly if i have to part with my money! Too tight to not go through with it! :lol:
  • vermooten wrote:
    I get to put the event into my special spreadsheet ...

    How special is this spreadsheet? Were you rubbing your fingers manically and cackling like a deranged professor hell bent on evil world domination when you wrote it? I've got a few of those.

    And don't forget coloured tabs - they separate the men from the boys! :wink: