Cafes West Yorkshire

allen Posts: 214
edited January 2008 in Road beginners
Which are peoples fave cafe stops in and around Halifax, Huddersfield, Bradford and district ?


  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    I like the Canalside Cafe in Hebden Bridge which is frequented by cyclists and walkers. If you turn up the road at the side of the Co-op on the A646, you come to a bridge over the canal. Take the towpath to the left for about 50 metres. The cafe is in a nice quiet spot away from the hustle and bustle***. Tables inside and outside.

    It is open at the weekends until about 16:00. It might be open during the week in the summer, I'm not sure. I don't think it is at this time of year.

    *** This may be a good thing or a bad thing according to your point of view. Some mates came up for a mountain biking weekend and complained when I took them there. When I asked why, they replied that there were "no gorgeous babes walking past to ogle", so we had to adjourn to one of the upmarket cafes in the new pedestrianised (babe-ogling) zone in the town centre. What's wrong with ducks and narrow boats... :wink: ?