Lands End to John o Groats?

streaky Posts: 53
edited January 2008 in Tour & expedition
Hi all, a friend at my gym was discussing the possibility of riding Lands end to J o groats. Has anyone ridden this? What advice do you recommend...any publications...routes...time of year...any info that i can pass on will be very much appreciated.


  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    I have seen a few threads on here about it in the past - and fancy doing it myself some day. You will finds lots of info on the internet about the ride - just type in LEJOG to google and surf away.
  • streaky wrote:
    Hi all, a friend at my gym was discussing the possibility of riding Lands end to J o groats. Has anyone ridden this? What advice do you recommend...any publications...routes...time of year...any info that i can pass on will be very much appreciated.

    The CTC publish three different routes for LEJOG. There's no definitive route as such and each rider will have their own favourite route. There's a couple of books written about the route. I bought one looked at the planning section for a a few days then never opened it again befopre selling it long after I completed the ride.

    The time of year can be a bit of a lottery. Last year's summer was a bit of a wash out by all accounts.
    It is calimed that Lands End nto JOG is the prefered direction because of thye prevailing winds. I've ridden thhe route in both directions and had roughtly the same amount of headwinds.

    You need to make some decisions:

    B&B, Hostels or Camping
    Supported with motorised transport or unssupported.
    Time avaliable for the ride.
    Planned daily mileage.

    Is a very good link to lots of people's accounts of their rides.

    As others have suggested have a google for LEJOG or even JOGLE and you'll find more information than you can shake a stick at. It's tha time of year when the JOG questions start to rear their heads and you might find that you'll not get too many answers. Similar questions have been posted in at least two other forums that I use.

    It's a great ride. One not to be taken lightly but nevertheless on that can be completed by folk of moderate fitness. Get surfing and planning....
  • xilios
    xilios Posts: 170
    Here is a nice site that I was just checking out.