bike advice (again)

psyfur Posts: 8
edited January 2008 in Road beginners
another new year, another new years resolution to get as fit as i possibly can for my age (37)

i'm not quite sure which bike to get ?

My routine at present consists of a couple of hilly routes (approx 22 - 25 miles) that i do two sometimes three times a week, this i do on a Steel rigid 17.5" Mountainbike equipped with a 42 tooth front chain ring, 11-34 rear cassette, slick tyres, flat handlebars with bar ends

I also put in a 45 - 65 mile ride on a mainly flat road route once a week, i do this on an Aluminium 58cm Trek 1400 equipped with 50/39 front and 12 - 23 rear cassette

Both bikes are showing signs of age and tbh i think a new bike may give me a bit more impetus too, unfortunately i only have the budget for 1 new bike at the moment

problem is i don't know which way to go, i have ridden the hilly route on my Road bike and find it hard going, i can't seem to find the right gear ratio for the climbs, i also don't feel as i can move my weight around so much as i can on the Mountainbike, on the Mtb i find i tend to spend a lot of time sitting up using the bar ends when climbing.

Having said that i do enjoy spinning my legs on the road bike at the weekend at the moment i'm averaging 16 -18mph in relative comfort, i'm puffing but not really hard, i'd like to see if i can up the average a bit, although after 2.5 -3.5 hours my lower back and shoulders are screaming for me get off the bike, (5ft 10" - 58cm frame) would i be better off with a 56"

I could use some advice please, do i -

A) Plump for a new Road bike and learn to climb differently/adapt my style to climbing on the road bike , could i use a 42 tooth ring as my inner ring ? are they even available for road bikes ?

B) Carry on using different bikes for the different rides and just save up a bit more cash

C) Consider getting a Hybrid such as the Marin Highway one

My local shop has a Trek Madone SSL 6.5 2007 up for sale at £2000, this is a little over my budget and a little over my riding potential if i'm honest, though i have to admit i am very, very tempted hence this question


  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    A road bike with a triple or compact should get you up every hill.

    ie 53/39/30 or 50/34 (or similar) chainsets should you give you the required gearing for the bumps in the road.
    I like bikes...

  • You say £2000 is a little over your budget, I'm no expert and haven't a clue what your exact budget is but I'd have thought you'd have enough for more than one decent bike with that kind of money.

    Sorry if that's much help, hopefully all these Sunday cyclists will be back off there rides soon and able to offer better advice.
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    If £2000 is a little over budget, how about something like £999 - Focus Cayo 2008 ... ayo%202008

    You can get it in Compact or Triple format - gearing to suit any ride/rider.
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    If you buy a new road bike with triple front then you have a range of gears to get yourself up any hill;i just wondered you say that you ride with a mountain bike but is that (off road) or just on public roads. If you ride on public roads then a racing bike would be my choice. Learning to climb hills is a little difficult to explain as each person is different in terms of ability,fitness and some people prefer a higher or lower gear to climb. That part of it comes down to you and what gear you feel comfortable in, but that will all make itself clear as you begin with a new racing bike. Plenty of time on a new bike, explore the gear ratios and just see what feels good. If you use the same route all the time then try all the combinations.Anyway for me it would be a new road bike, whatever you decide., hope it works well for you, good luck Ademort
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
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  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    With that sort of budget get a bike to do what you want it to do. Get one with low gears. Buy one with a triple and if that isn't low enough get them to put a mountain bike rear gear set up on for you, this may limit you to a 9 speed set up but it can be done, My LBS in Northallerton is used to doing this for customers now. Don't be fobbed off with it only comes with XYZ. You are the one ready to shell out the readies get a bike to do what you want it to do. My Racelight has 52/42/26 front and 9 speed 12-32 rear operated with campag 10 shifters and a deore XT rear mech. And yes it works. And for good measure I'm about to put a cheap 8 speed block on for winter and Yes that will work as well. This is where your LBS should score over the chain stores , go and ask, and if they won't do what you want, walk away.
    Sorry but I don't like only comes in green attitude

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    psyfur wrote:
    , although after 2.5 -3.5 hours my lower back and shoulders are screaming for me get off the bike, (5ft 10" - 58cm frame) would i be better off with a 56"

    56 inch would definitely be too big :wink:

    seriously though i would even try a 54cm as well as a 56cm, am really surprised that you can ride a 58cm frame.
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