GT Avalanche Child Seat

suggsa Posts: 12
edited January 2008 in MTB beginners
Can anyone advice on whether you can fit a child seat to this bike, if so help please.


  • OllyUK
    OllyUK Posts: 230
    edited January 2008
    Most child seats I have seen fit onto a pannier rack by clamping round the top surface of it. Pannier racks are easy to install the bottom fitting fits onto the frame near the rear hub (just above the skewer there are normally holes for screwing on a rack. And then the front end of the pannier dlips onto the seat stay, some bikes have ready made fittings for this, but you can also get adaptors that just wrap around the seat stay.
    I think you can get ones that fit to the seat tube, but I've always thought they look a tad precarious.
  • suggsa
    suggsa Posts: 12
    Thanks olly, the shop said that i may have issues attatching a child seat due to the disc breaks??
  • Some of the newer ones i have looked at have a single mount on the seat post tube with a clamp on section for the seat, i looked into them a little before opting for a trailer for my littlun! (i felt safer for when she falls asleep due to not having the weight hanging on one side!)
    After all, I am Cornish!
    Cotic Soul, The bike of Legends!:wink: Yes, I Am a bike tart! ... 1#16297481
  • suggsa wrote:
    Can anyone advice on whether you can fit a child seat to this bike, if so help please.

    I've just (today) done this. I bought A GT Avalanche 3 (with disc brakes). The child seat is one which clamps to the frame, so the bracket sits on the vertical part of the frame, and the metal forks of the seat sit into the bracket, and then turn through 90 degrees to leave the child seat above the rear tyre. (The child seat can be taken in and out of the bracket very easily)

    It wasn't wholly straightforward though. The GT frame has a small triangle below the seat post. Just below that is a clip that holds the gear cable. The mechanic had to separate the gear cable, fit the seat bracket straddling the clip, and then reassemble the gear cable. It didn't take him long, and it's absolutely perfect now.

    If you fit the bracket below the clip, the seat is too low over the rear wheel. There isn't room between the clip and the seat for the bracket.

    Hope that helps.
  • suggsa
    suggsa Posts: 12
    Cheers for that, can you tell me what the seat is??
  • It's a Hamax Kiss One. It is particularly good for two reasons - the indentation behind where the child's head is, means that when they are wearing a helmet (always!) the seat does not push the child's helmet forward over their eyes, a problem we had with a hired bike and seat when we were on holiday in Vancouver, before we bought the seat. Second, When the seat metal supprt prongs are correctly mounted in the bracket, two little plastic tags recess into the bracket, so you know it is properly fitted. The seats pops in and out easily.

    You can slide thes eat forward and backwartds towards the seatpost too, as the child gets bigger. I hook a rear light into the back of the seat when riding at night.
  • We've got one of these and it's great. Fits my wife's Giant Terrago a treat. However, I've got a Giant XTC 4.5 and, if I fit it to the down tube it prevents the re-fitting of the front gear cable. One possibility is to fit the mount to the seat post and buy an extra set of low profile bars for Hamax; has anyone done this? I'm just slightly concerned whether the seat post is sufficiently strong for the job...
