Mileage targets for the year??

ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
edited January 2008 in Road beginners
I've set myself a target of 3,000 miles this year.

I didn't set myself any target last year and only managed about 1,440 miles. The previous year I set myself a target of 2,000 miles and managed to just exceed it, so I reckon I need a target to motivate myself. However for me 3,000 will be very hard to achieve, but its something to aim at.

I'd be interested to hear what targets others are setting for themselves.


  • You should pick a place on the globe 3000 miles away and chart your progress. Or is that to nerdy?
    The scent of these arm-pits is aroma finer than prayer
  • homercles
    homercles Posts: 499
    I've got a similar target - I think if I do 3,500m + this year I'll be pretty pleased with myself. Saying that, if I commute by bike all but two days a month and then do weekend riding with some degree of discipline, I should be comfortably beyond 4,000m by the time winter kicks in around the end of October.
  • sloxam
    sloxam Posts: 861
    4,689 last year. 5,500 this
    i hate hills (cos i'm fat)
  • My target is 6000 miles this tear. Did 5200 last year

    My commuting bike
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    I'd like to break more than 2,500 miles on my roadie(s). To date I've only logged 2,411 since September 2006. :oops:

    I'm hoping buying a new bike thats a little bit more than I should really spend will get me out more. I'm also counting on having my Allez as a second bike will make me careless about it getting scruffy.

    While I was crippled for a couple of weeks in the middle of summer by a series (almost a dozen) of confidence sapping rimside punctures (seemingly finely cured by Velox tape) that's no excuse. I was pretty ashamed of the yearly total I ended up with depsite some really early rises to make the most of the early dawns in July and August.

    I can really only add to that about 600 miles of mountain bike work, most of which was done in August - October when my new Hardtail was new and my Allez was off the road.

    Overall, a very lame effort it must be said.
  • sean65
    sean65 Posts: 104
    I've set myself a target of 3,000 miles this year.

    I didn't set myself any target last year and only managed about 1,440 miles. The previous year I set myself a target of 2,000 miles and managed to just exceed it, so I reckon I need a target to motivate myself. However for me 3,000 will be very hard to achieve, but its something to aim at.

    I'd be interested to hear what targets others are setting for themselves.

    This weeks Cycling Weekly has a pull out chart that would make a good visual reference of what milage you're covering and what you want to cover.

    It's funny how it works, but any little thing that keeps the motivation going is worthwhile.

    Who knows? This might just be your year to become a two wheeled version of Forest Gump! :wink:
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    2,000 is realistic, averageing 50 a week.

    It's hard to do more than a bout 25 at a go at this time of year, but should average 50 plus over the summer.

    Tha main target is to stay fit!

    Giving it Large
  • I managed just under 3k last year and of those all but 400 miles were after June! I've set myself a target of 5k for 2008 (excluding miles logged in a week long Majorca training camp and hopefully L2P) and I'm pretty confident of achieving this.
  • willbevan
    willbevan Posts: 1,241
    Well I've only been riding really since october, managed about 600 miles last year. (306 in december), so aiming for about 3000 this year :)
    Road - BTwin Sport 2 16s
    MTB - Trek Fuel 80
    TT - Echelon
  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    songwriter wrote:
    You should pick a place on the globe 3000 miles away and chart your progress. Or is that to nerdy?
    Not nerdy at all - I think it's quite a good idea for motivation. It would be good for my longish rides, but as I also do lots of short circuits it would probably get a bit to detailed trying to plot progress after every ride.
  • still chasing the 12,000 miles I did in a year. Started riding last year in april after 6 months off so will be interesting to see where abouts on the scale I am.

    I'll go work it out and come back.

  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    sean65 wrote:
    I've set myself a target of 3,000 miles this year.

    I didn't set myself any target last year and only managed about 1,440 miles. The previous year I set myself a target of 2,000 miles and managed to just exceed it, so I reckon I need a target to motivate myself. However for me 3,000 will be very hard to achieve, but its something to aim at.

    I'd be interested to hear what targets others are setting for themselves.

    This weeks Cycling Weekly has a pull out chart that would make a good visual reference of what milage you're covering and what you want to cover.

    It's funny how it works, but any little thing that keeps the motivation going is worthwhile.

    Who knows? This might just be your year to become a two wheeled version of Forest Gump! :wink:
    I'll look out for that, although it sounds similar to the details I keep on a spreadsheet.

    It's good to see that a lot of people on here have similar sort of targets to me, as I thought I would be lagging way behind most of you guys out there.
  • Commuting alone will get me about 3000 miles--in the summer months hope to do about 40-50 miles/week on top of that so let's say 4000 for the year.
  • topcattim
    topcattim Posts: 766
    songwriter wrote:
    You should pick a place on the globe 3000 miles away and chart your progress. Or is that to nerdy?

    Last year I did 5000 miles (just, after a flurry of extra miles in late December). I worked that out as having spent about 300 hours or 5% of my waking life last year on my bike. How's that for a nerdy calculation?!

    I keep telling my wife that there are people out there that do 8 or 9 thousand miles a year. She keeps suggesting that there are certain kinds of behaviour that contribute to the general wellbeing of a marriage and certain ones that don't....
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    It's never occurred to me to count!

  • well apparently I'm up to 7,500 since april so I'd like to aim for 12,500 by the start of may.

  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    just keep staring at the green light, you'll get there in the end.
  • richk
    richk Posts: 564
    I've got a vague notion of aiming for 2400 miles this year. That's about 6.5 miles per day - which (at my speed) equates to approx half an hours exercise per day average.
    There is no secret ingredient...
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    Have no idea how many miles i did last year as i never set any personal target. However from this year i,m counting. My commute will be160Km per week so over a year will convert into 5000miles. The rest on my super carbon woah horsey is just a bonus but hope to do at least 5000 miles plus or will be very disappointed. Greetings Ademort
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
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