Pacific Coast Highway USA

Burgs Posts: 21
edited January 2008 in Tour & expedition
Hi im planning to cycle from San Francisco to San Deigo along the PCH in september, has anybody done this at all? if so any helpful tips of good places to stay, bits to avoid/must sees etc are more than welcome



  • steephill
    steephill Posts: 151
    Burgs wrote:
    Hi im planning to cycle from San Francisco to San Deigo along the PCH in september, has anybody done this at all? if so any helpful tips of good places to stay, bits to avoid/must sees etc are more than welcome


    I live in the Bay Area. I've cycled lots of sections of the PCH but never all at once. The car traffic can be heavy in spots and I personally like to add some variety. There are many great and very quiet roads but often steep just off of the highway if you are willing to take the time to explore. bike travelogue
  • Burgs
    Burgs Posts: 21
    thanks for the tips steephill. Ive found some maps online with Adventure cycling that have route suggestions that are slightly off the PCH so hopefully they will provide some interesting detours. Ill look out for the steep stuff as ill be lugging all my gear rather than just my own bulk!
  • KeithG
    KeithG Posts: 1,010
    It's best to travel North to South because you tend to get the better views without a lane of traffic to block your panorama. Afraid I've only driven it.
    September might be a bit foggy but should be quieter.
    Look on for lots of trip reports on this area.
  • raybo
    raybo Posts: 87
    I've done this trip annually since 2003 (I live in SF and have family in LA). I like to go in April/May. From SF to LA is about 10 days at 50-60 miles/day. I would think that September would be a fine time to go, especially after Labor Day (first Monday in September). You might want to plan for the Big Sur coast on a week-day.

    Some random thoughts:

    - It is a great ride. Here is my trip journal of my first ride.

    - Do you plan to camp? If not, you have to pick your route through Big Sur carefully as there are stretches without any services and most of the lodging is uber-expensive. If you are bringing camping equipment you can stay in most state and federal campgrounds without a reservation as special "hiker/biker" sites for $5/night--a great deal. This includes the campground at Big Sur, itself. I'd highly recommend camping.

    -Just south of SF is an very unpleasant bit of road called Devil's Slide. Frankly, I consider it unsafe, as do many people who have ridden. They are putting in a tunnel but I don't know when it will be open or if it will accommodate bikes. When I ride south, I start just after that bit of road in the town of Montera (my wife drives me). I'd suggest taking a bus or a taxi past it.

    - Get the Adventure Cycling maps of the route. You might also want to check out the book: Bicycling the Pacific Coast. But, in truth, the routes are pretty much the same.

    Also, check out this page at which provides 34 links to information about bike touring in California. Many deal with places on the route you are planning.

    let me know if you have any specific questions.

    It is a great ride!

    Good luck,
