Sorry if this means anything to you

John C.
John C. Posts: 2,113
edited December 2007 in The bottom bracket
'I've just lost the game'

My daughter taught me about THE GAME not sure if I'm being wound up or not.

If it means anything to you, Sorry but at least I know I'm not being wound up.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
Hills are just a matter of pace


  • Random Vince
    Random Vince Posts: 11,374
    i know of the game,

    its best played on camping weekends, mountaineering expiditions, long bike rides or mini bus journeys
    My signature was stolen by a moose

    that will be all

    trying to get GT James banned since tuesday
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    AS long as she is not on the game :wink:
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • The game? Ooooh, do tell :D
  • hahahaha bastard! - Track Cycling Shop from - Casco, Bont Shoes, Dolan, Campag, Reflex Nutrition, Sugino and more - Cycling and Sports Therapy in Mallorca
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    well i know several "the games" which one are you talking about

    many of them i would nt be playing with my (fictional) daughter
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    duckiciao wrote:
    The game? Ooooh, do tell :D

    Rules of THE GAME :lol:

    If you think about THE GAME you have lost
    If you think about THE GAME you must tell those around you that you have lost THE GAME there by making them think about THE GAME.

    Try it in a group at New Year it'll drive you mad. :wink:

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace