Son of Mum!

NervexProf Posts: 4,202
edited December 2007 in The bottom bracket
I read this
- and had to admire young Steve Tomlinson - his Mum must look down on him with pride.

Jane's life was lived to the full - and puts many of us to shame when we moan about small irritations, setbacks.

Strikes me they breed as very special kind of woman in Yorkshire.
Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom


  • ash68
    ash68 Posts: 320
    totally agree with your comments. Like alot of people I followed Jane's many feats of endurance with a mixture of emotions. Admiration,sadness, joy , guilt. Read her books and often cried, tears rolled down my face and I was in awe at the sheer determination, strength and charactor this woman had. Where she found her strength from I'll never know.And seing her son on TV, it's clear he has that same strength of charactor.They seem a very ordinary family, but have many qualities I could only dream of living up to. God bless Jane and her family. When I have bad days and feel sorry for myself, these are the sort of people i think of. Inspirational is an overused word, but IMo it clearly desribes this family,Hope they enjoy Christmas, Jane continous to inspire people and will do so for years to come.
  • ASH68, I couldn't have put it better.
