Anonymous Posts: 79,667
Ok chaps,

What destination do you always get all excited about when journeying around the UK.

I LOVE taking in unkown terrain...and I reckon our island offers the most diverse cycling in really is so different from region to region.

For me:-

1. Lake District - Ultimate Challenge, gorgeous, I get more excited about going here than when I go abroad! Kirkstone,Honister,Hardknott,Wrynose,Birker Fell,Newlands, Corney Fell,Stickle Pike etc...what more can you say.

2. NY Moors - Also incredibly demanding and beautiful, its so quiet and the scenery is so different from anything else...and into the bargain its got some of the steepest small climbs on the planet....

3. North West Scotland - Up at the Bealach Na Ba - no better scenery in the world! And the climb is awesome.

4. York Dales - Another Northern England Jewel...tough climbs, nice quiet roads, I usually make 2 journeys down here each year...this year I'm doing the excellent White Rose Classic.

5. North Wales - Only cycled here once at the Wild Wales Challenge and that was outstanding - will NOT forget the Bwlch Y Groes in a hurry...doing the ultimate UK challenge this year...Dave Lloyds Mega Challenge so reckon this area could start to climb my personal ladder, also going to do the new Mid Wales Challenge taking in the Devils staircase - the Devil Ride.....can't wait!

Also loved the Peak District when doing the Polkadot...

Thats my favourite Area's, I'm from just outside Edinburgh and I've tried not to be all patriotic and just been honest...whats your favourite areas and why?


  • Trough of Bowland
    I get to ride thieir whenever i want seeing as i live next to it.
    Very quiet lanes, some great climbs and a fantastic views.
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    Richmond Park (London) :D
  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697
    For me:

    1. Yorkshire Dales - it's where I got bitten by the cycling bug. It's also where my mum's side of the family are from, and there are hills oh yeah.

    2. Morecambe Bay - beautiful, flat, nuff said. Perfect for low intensity stuff as well as practicing riding with no hands.

    3. Surrey hills - surprisingly hilly, again it's just fantastic countryside. Leith Hill, Coldharbour, Tanhurst Lane and others whose names I don't know. The cofee and flapjacks from the kiosk at the top of Box Hill is worth the journey alone.

    4. Lake District - naturally. It's not higher up in the list because of the traffic problems. Also because I had to push my bike up Hardknott in this year's Fred grrrrr.

    5. Dorset, Somerset and wherever else the Tour of Wessex goes. I'd never been to these places until the Tow in 2006 and I was knocked out by how gorgeous it all is. I could tell it was the real isolated countryside because of all the anti-EU bumper stickers, pro-hunting signs etc. Also the big-eared boys on farms.

    6. Peak District - like a mini-Yorkshire Dales.

    TO DO:

    * North Yorks moors - having just signed up for the Rydale Rumble, I'll find out soon enough.

    * North Wales - it's only 50 miles away from here, what's my problem?

    * Scotland - has to be worth a trip, surely?
    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • hugo15
    hugo15 Posts: 1,101
    Number one has to be home territory, so that is the NY Moors for me. So many nice roads to choose from, but by two favourite ones are the road from Hawnby to Osmotherly over Snilsworth Moor, and the road from the head of Rosedale Valley down in to Fryupdale. Both selected for their stunning views. It is brilliant cycling country with testing climbs and very little traffic. Would also thoroughly recommend the cafe at the National Parks Centre at Danby. Great tea and fantastic cakes :) .

    I also enjoyed a few rides in the Yorkshire Dales this year. I love the limestone scenery and the height of the hills compared to the NY Moors is impressive.
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    Fife is my home patch, which has some great runs. I was out today pedalling around the coast from St Andrews to Largo, through all the fishing villages. Then I climbed up some silly hills to get home. Fantastic and the traffic is very light. Just to the North is Angus, also very beautiful for cyclists.

    I remember really enjoying the Welsh borders and the Horsehoe Pass on a trip from Shrewsbury to Angelsey.

    Hampshire, Dorset and Wiltshire were good too (30 years ago).

    Anyone done much riding in South Devon? I used to live on the edge of Dartmoor, but it was in my "I've got a car so why would I need a bike" days ( :oops: :oops: ). The landscape is among my favourite anywhere, but it must be really tough to cycle.

    Islay is a beautiful island to cycle (and has the attraction of loads of top distilleries to visit).

    Orkney is, too, but the wind can be a challenge.

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    1) NW Scotland - especially the Morvern, Sunart and Ardnamurchan peninsulas and, further up, the Applecross peninsula. Quiet traffic, tranquility like nowhere else in the UK and amazing views!

    2) Lakes - epicentre of great road and MTBing making it a good all round destination

    3) The home counties area is nice, i spent some time down there and you couldn't but notice how many riders frequent the lanes of kent, the chilterns, etc, each weekend. noticed this on the reliability rides i did there - great turnouts for every one and a good bunch of folk
  • robklancs wrote:
    Trough of Bowland
    I get to ride thieir whenever i want seeing as i live next to it.
    Very quiet lanes, some great climbs and a fantastic views.

    ^^^What he said^^^^

    Ive not ridden much elsewhere, but I dont need to, I have everything I need, all different types of cycling, right on my doorstep!!