Something similar to Etape de Legende

topcattim Posts: 766
I see from the Etape de Legende 2007 site that they won't be running another event in 2008. This is a real disappointment to me, as I did it this year, and really enjoyed it. I'd like to find something similar for next year: a big sportive, well organised, with some proper hills. I'm not that taken with the idea of doing the Etape du Tour as I have heard it is rather too commercialised and overpriced (and of course, I've missed the application deadline now as well, I believe). The other tremendous advantage of last year's Etape de legende was that it was close to my mate in Switzerland, and we did it together (or more accurately, we started together...)

Can anyone recommend a decent sportive that I could ride next year instead?


  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    Ditto your disappointment. I missed last years due to diary conflict but was planning to do 2008. Like the combination of riding a tour stage + knowing its history.

    So doing the Marmotte this year as a substitute. You could try that, others will have other suggestions. May also be worth checking out (info plus forum)

    Their top 10 sportives section might give a few ideas.
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • skinsey
    skinsey Posts: 105
    I too did the Legende this year and am disappointed it's not being run next year. It was a great way of finishing a domestic season of sportives with somehting a bit more exotic. There's the usual alternatives - Marmotte, Gran Fondos etc. - but I'm on holiday most of July when a lot of those are staged, and in any case, I'm looking for something later in the season. La Ronde Picande seems like one alternative, the existence of which I found on, which as has just been said is a good resource for seeing what's on.
  • pedylan
    pedylan Posts: 768
    Agree, it's a pity it won't be run again. The timing was good and the idea - classic stages was great. I guess the expected 8500 places which became 3000 taking the start left its commercial status uncertain.

    Cycling weekly did a (belated) report on 2007 event last week and it brought back the best bits - and a few of the worst bits!.

    I've entered the etape du tour but i'd still like to take part in a late season event. I don't know of one but if I find it I'll post it.
    Where the neon madmen climb
  • ricadus
    ricadus Posts: 2,379
    There is the Eroica granfondo in Italy.

    There's evena category for riding it on an ancient (pre-1970s) bike.
  • term1te
    term1te Posts: 1,462
    If you fancy going back to the same part of the world you could try Les trois Ballons? I may give it a go next year. About the same time, if you want a very fast course, with only views of mountains there's Another one local to me to end the summer
  • pedylan wrote:
    Cycling weekly did a (belated) report on 2007 event last week and it brought back the best bits - and a few of the worst bits!..

    Yup, Termite and me were quoted in that article, although I don't remember saying much of what was attributed to me. That said, I don't remember much of the final climb, either!
    term1te wrote:
    If you fancy going back to the same part of the world you could try Les trois Ballons? ... trophee=54 I may give it a go next year.
    Sounds like a good idea, which begs two questions:
    1) know any good b & bs in that area, term1te? :wink:
    2) any idea how many people do Les trois Ballons? It was good to be part of several 1000 people on the Etape de Legende, and I'd like to try and ride something of similar size.