Cyclone Challenge 100ml ride - Standards

In response to riders requests I am setting Gold, Silver and Bronze standards for the 100 mile ride only. The standards are as follows and all details are on the event website
Gold - under 5hrs 40 mins
silver - 5hrs 41mins - 6hrs 30mins
Bronze - over 6hrs 31 mins.

The standards have not been set to encourage "racing". They have been set to provide a serious test for all competetive Sportive riders who wish to continuously improve and set goals for the following year.


  • ash68
    ash68 Posts: 320
    looks like I'm a safe bet for silver standard. Gold would be at least 26 minutes faster than last year.Waaaay too fast for me. :lol:
  • saif
    saif Posts: 100
    Hi Peter

    Are you also setting the standards for 62 Miler ?

  • saif wrote:
    Hi Peter

    Are you also setting the standards for 62 Miler ?

    saif - no i'm not setting standards for this distance because I don't want to chance inexperienced riders overtaxing themselves. I realise i cannot completely stop this happening but just feel it is less likely to happen on the 100ml ride but could on the 62 ride. For those with ambitions I would like to think that the 62ml ride is a step to going on to do the 100ml ride and is an "apprenticeship!
  • saif
    saif Posts: 100
    I have set myself this target and this will be my first such ride, I will be pleased if I managed to complete this in good time.