Foot pain - possibly caused by clipless pedals/shoes?

Pretre Posts: 355
edited December 2007 in Road beginners
I've been using SPD pedals on my hybrid for a while now but I recently bought a Specialized Roubaix Comp ( :D) & got Look Keo Classic pedals with Specialized Sport road shoes to go with it. I did a 22 mile ride on it over the weekend (in a gale, which wasn't that great, but at least it wasn't raining!) & the outsides of both my feet, particularly the left, became quite painful after a while. Any thoughts/suggestions much appreciated.


  • It might just be a case of riding in the shoes - by covering more miles. I had similar pains, mostly in my right foot, when I first got my new Specialized shoes a few years ago. I can't remember when the pain stopped, but after doing more miles (sorry for being a little vague) the pain went. It could just have been necessary to stretch out the shoe a bit to mould to my foot.

    Specialized shoes do tend to be a bit wider than other brands, so this might help.

    Incidentally, when I got my new (drop bar) road bike in August, the first few rides left me feeling sore in the back, legs and wrists - these pains disappeared once I refined the setup but also once I had got used to the changed position - having previsously ridden a flat bar road bike.

    I can now do 80-90km and/or 3-4 hours in the saddle without any pain.

    Hope this helps!
    "Tyres down on your bicycle, your nose feels like an icicle"
  • Sounds like the set up for your new pedals is different from what you had before, either closer to or further from the centre of the bike. You may well get used to it though!
  • Check out the float(i.e movement) of the shoes when they are clipped in.You might find there's a difference to your old pedals. :)
  • peanut
    peanut Posts: 1,373
    sounds like the centre of the sole of your feet are not fixed over the centre-line of the pedal spindle. This results in your toes clenching to get sufficient purchase and the result is your muscles ache due to the tension.
    Make sure there is sufficient support from the shoe inset. If you have a high arch and no arch support again you will suffer.
    I usually set my shoe/cleats up on a turbo trainer by lnot fully tightening the cleats. This allows you to make minute adjustments whilst spinning until they feel just right. Then leave the shoes clipped in and remove your feet without altering the setting. Mark around your cleat position and fully tighten . Should now be spot -on. I use a small matt black spray paint can to spray over the cleat so it leaves the exact fixing position permantly on the base of the shoes
  • Pretre
    Pretre Posts: 355
    Thanks for all advice.
    I'm not using the new bike at the mo' due to the vile weather in London (very windy & raining) but I'll give your suggestions a go when we next have weekend weather that makes me actually want to even step out of the door - Winter, love it. :evil:
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    I recently went over to SPD clipless, and had exactly the same thing. Mines a sort of tingly pain though.

    I asked advice on another forum and the concensous was that my shoes were slightly too tight.

    I loosened the straps off a lot and its definately better but still uncomfortable after 45mins or so, hopefully I'll get used to them.


    Chris :)
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • I've got the same shoe/pedal combo and had the same problem. After a couple of miles both the soles of my feet got a bit achy but then eased off as the ride progressed.
    After 5 or 6 rides the problem disappeared. I think it was down to not being used to stiff road soles.