Some advice Please

WaterMonkey Posts: 62
edited December 2007 in MTB rides

I'm off to Coed Y Brenin in January for a weekend of riding... I'm not a riding newbie, but this is my first time going for a PROPER ride (serious trails!!)

Can I have some advice on what kit (other than my wheels, helmet, gloves and other standard kit) I will be likely to need to have a good, crazy but safe weekend?



  • 38 views - no replies...?

    Does anybody know something?????
  • Just your usual stuff.

    Spare tubes
    Tool kit
    Something warm

    The usual stuff you take when riding
  • oh.... right.... D'OH!

    what about shin / knee guards? Would SPD's be alright or are flatty's better?

    Thanks for the reply sam1234
  • jbford
    jbford Posts: 101
    Flats forever!!

    If your thinkin of going for it and having fun on unfamiliar trails I'd say always wear arm and knee protection.

    other than that the usual, if out for a full days XC ride I take:

    First Aid pack
    Spare Base / Mid layer & socks
    Trail tool
    Inner tube
    Puncture repair kit
    Pump (Suspension as well)
    Food/ Energy bars
    Torch and/or Bike Light
    Zipties (always handy)
    Spare brake lever
    Good eyewear
    Mobile Phone
    Dog treats/ Food
    Collapsable dog bowls
    Doggie bags

    I've probably missed something out! :shock: Never realised until I wrote it down how much I take.
  • :shock: Wow... That's more like it !!!

    Thanks very much.... I best get down the shops !!
  • z000m
    z000m Posts: 544
    cat biscuits taste better than doggy treats
  • Chaka Ping
    Chaka Ping Posts: 1,451
    Don't skimp on grub, those hills can make you very hungry!
  • I would say SPD's anyday the trails wont be that scary.
  • z000m
    z000m Posts: 544
    a swiss army knife i find is always handy
  • I did the MTB route at Coed y Brenin a couple of months back. I had only ridden offroad at Coed Llandegla three times prior, so it came as a bit of a shock to the system! I think the lists above pretty much cover what you need, but advice would be to pace yourself and take plenty of fluids and energy bars to get through the climbs!!! Some amazing downhill sections, but they were probably a bit too technical for me as a beginner at the time!! Crapped myself!! haha!!
  • warm18
    warm18 Posts: 341
    edited December 2007
    one thing i'd recommend would be a quick release seat post clamp. when i went i didnt have one and when everyone else was putting there seat down in 5 seconds i was left behind slightly as i had to get my multi tool out of my bag change it then put it back k which takes about a minute. also i'd recommend shin knee protection, chocolate, cerial bars or energy bars.
    have a good time. im very envious

    p.s SPD's are the way forward
  • Agree with JBford

    Just remember a camelbak or simular to put it all in - leave the dog at home it will only get run over!

    and pick up a trail map if you can.

    oh and SPD all the way! :)
  • robbarker
    robbarker Posts: 1,367
    One of those fold up foil "space" blankets is a useful addition to the wedge pack too - if one of your party does fall and break a leg it can take a long time for someone to ride back to the trailhead, contact he emrgency services and for them to then get to a casualty.

    Sods law dictates that you will have the trail to yourself just when you need someone else there.

    The outlying trails at Coed y Brenin are remote and (if I remember correctly) out of range of mobile phone signals.