Ultimate accessory

misterben Posts: 193
edited November 2007 in Commuting chat

"Carpe Aptenodytes"


  • Belv
    Belv Posts: 866

    "Ultimate" in what sense?! :shock:
  • Belv wrote:

    "Ultimate" in what sense?! :shock:

    Presumably for extra grip when running over cats?!
  • The words 'hello kitty automatic toilet paper dispenser' on the linked page are possibly even more disturbing.
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    I was hoping for Infrared night sights, handlbar mounted RPG's for buses, or chav seeking missiles...and what do you give me? a slick tire with blooming kittens on...hardly the same...is it? :evil:

    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting http://grahamsnook.com
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • marchant
    marchant Posts: 362
    I'm sure a tyre company that allowed you to create your own tread patterns would be a very profitable company :idea:
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    I actually quite like it


    It's just a hill. Get over it.