Worst value for money

tardington Posts: 1,379
edited November 2007 in Commuting chat
I have just found my old Blackburn Airstick! It cost £16 at the time, and I used it... um, 4 times so I guess is was £4 a use. My gf got an edinburgh bikes own-brand job which was lighter, and automatically switched between presta and schraeder, so I borrowed it long term, 8)

I also have an extreeemely cheap long stem off Wiggle I haven't fitted yet.

Probably crappest thing I bought was a Tortec Expedition rack... it came apart during said expedition. :evil:


  • I bought a Bell Venture helmet, which, for some unexplicable reason, didn't come with a "you've left me on the train" alarm system. Had it for about 3 weeks before it was sucked into the black hole that is the Wemyss Bay line.

    "Carpe Aptenodytes"
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    My frame on bike no.2

    £150 in 1988, built bike, used for one summer, then didn't use it until last year.

    Oh, and an Orbit frame in the mid-80s wehre the mudguard/carrier eyelet sheared off after 2 weeks - probably 'cos it was just a nut the factory had welded on to the drop out (I kid you not) - I was only 16 or so and didn't have the bottle to reject the bike when I noticed

    Got a new frame in the end

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • dondare
    dondare Posts: 2,113
    I bought a zefal frame-fit pump that cost over £20 and left the bloody thing on a train before I'd even used it once.
    This post contains traces of nuts.
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    worst value for money- my marriage licence- they never told me the initial cost was only a deposit and the true cost would be tens of thousands more
    Want to know the Spen666 behind the posts?
    Then read MY BLOG @ http://www.pebennett.com

    Twittering @spen_666
  • I got a cheap Dawes pannier when I first started. I ordered it online so didn't notice the incredibly convoluted buckle and strap arrangement it had going on to keep it in place. The fun really started when the strap began to fray.

    After one too many times shivering with numb fingers trying to get the damn thing on, I gave up and bought a pair of Altura Drylines with a much more sensible system (and palmed the Dawes off onto my bloke who would rather spend his money on beer than decent panniers).
  • schlepcycling
    schlepcycling Posts: 1,614
    edited November 2007
    In terms of £'s per use it would have to be my first proper TT bike, low pro frame, aero wheels etc, used it for a club 10 and it got stolen from my house the same night.
    'Hello to Jason Isaacs'
  • Drfabulous0
    Drfabulous0 Posts: 1,539
    I spent about £4500 custom building a Downhill bike then stacked it on the first run, wrecked the frame, broke my hip, and have never raced downhill since.

    Other than that I bought a car once, after leaving it on the driveway for a year it cost me £80 to get it taken away.
  • A frame fit pump bought online from Ribble for about £3. But I bought a size too small.......

    Also the BBB tools bottle - great idea, fits in bottle cage, is waterproof and looks neat. Except that the top pinged off on a main road and got run over by a car. I now have a plastic bag over the top of it - same function, just looks pikey :cry:

    Possibly my northwave aereators that i still can't seem to get to feel comfortable :x
  • I spent about £4500 custom building a Downhill bike then stacked it on the first run, wrecked the frame, broke my hip, and have never raced downhill since.

    Going to be tough for anyone to top this.
  • Tube ticket
    15 * 2 * 5
    * 46 = Happiness
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    Worst Value for money?
    Steve McLaren and the whole of the England football team
    Want to know the Spen666 behind the posts?
    Then read MY BLOG @ http://www.pebennett.com

    Twittering @spen_666
  • spen666 wrote:
    Worst Value for money?
    Steve McLaren and the whole of the England football team

    Yeah, can we book them for a friendly against Canada? We need a few matches against punching bags/straw men to boost our rankings. :twisted:
  • I think steve did a great job :lol:
    15 * 2 * 5
    * 46 = Happiness
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    an inner tube for a bike i was going to fix up and then decided i was going to scrap. The bike has the old size wheels so the inner tube is still sitting in its box waiting for me to find somewhere to get rid of it to