Now that was rather wet...

spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
edited November 2007 in Commuting chat
i wouldnt normally comment but my mum told me as i was leaving "its stopped raining and the suns coming out" this wasnt a lie as i am now sitting in my office and its stopped raining and the sun did indeed come out... but only once i was soaked through, in the office, changed and sitting drinking a cup of tea!


  • Wasn't it just. When I left at 8.45 the sun was indeed shining but it was still peeing it down, there was a beautiful rainbow.

    Thankfully my Dryline pannier lived up to its name and my change of clothes was nice and dry. Glad I remembered dry socks! Shoes stuffed with newspaper against a radiator, hope they are dry before hometime.

    Methinks I will need to give the bike a good clean when it gets home, went through several unavoidable massive puddles, poor thing currently dripping dry in the garage at work.
  • georgee
    georgee Posts: 537
    First commute in about 8 weeks dues to time out for an op, rain stopped and the sun emerged, heavens opened in the last 3 minutes, but for an hours cycle, who cares!

    I feel slightly tired but thoroughly energised. Roll on home time, looking like a lightening storm?
  • Rainlegs performed well today, but I still don't like the strip of breathable fabric at the top as all the rain runs off my jacket and down onto that section. My 'water resistant' jacket did little to keep the water out though so my top half was pretty soaked. I am quite tempted by the idea of a rain cape if I can work out some way to mount my lights so they don't get obscured by it.

    Also, I got very wet feet. I think I need to wrap them in carrier bags.
  • I left too early to get wet...but looks like thunder and lightning on the way home so i'll get my fair share later.

    Is that a :) or a :(?
    17 years commuting up and down the King\'s Road and i still don\'t get faster...
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    top half of me was nice and dry, my waterproof shoes got their first outing in anger and were fine until the water started coming in the top and staying there cause they're waterproof. I need some over trousers... just added them to my christmas list. didn't bring spare socks though... doh

    I think cars enjoyed going past me in puddles a little too much :x
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    Actually quite enjoyed it, haven't ridden for a week or so due to tummy bug (thanks, kids)

    Huge puddles but not too wet due to cheap, ugly but effective waterproofs

    Beats the tube anyday (in both senses of the word)

    BUT: old-school centre-pull brakes on bike 2 hopeless, must get some dual-pivots - people kept stopping to allow pedestrians to cross bike lanes which is fine but NOT WHEN THE LIGHTS ARE AGAINST THEM !!! Aaarrrrgggghhh release the rage!!! Release the rage :evil: :evil: :evil: !!!!!

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • Belv
    Belv Posts: 866
    One advantage to arriving at work at 6am was the rain started just as i rolled through the gates. :D

    Make that "The only advantage to arriving..." :roll:
  • Belv wrote:
    Make that "The only advantage to arriving..." :roll:

    but it was a big advanatge!

    Just been to check my cycling gear, which is strewn about the office on various hangers. All still soaked. Going to be a damp, clammy commute home, methinks :(
  • Random Vince
    Random Vince Posts: 11,374
    it had stopped raining for me so i stayed dry, however had a splitting headache just as i got to uni, found i'd forgotten my keys so walked towards home hoping to find my girlfriend in at her house as its half the distance

    she wasnt

    i've just crawled back out of bed. :(
    My signature was stolen by a moose

    that will be all

    trying to get GT James banned since tuesday
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    lateralus wrote:
    Belv wrote:
    Make that "The only advantage to arriving..." :roll:

    but it was a big advanatge!

    Just been to check my cycling gear, which is strewn about the office on various hangers. All still soaked. Going to be a damp, clammy commute home, methinks :(
    mine too :( but ive taken measures and ive moved stuff around to find new directions of heat
  • spasypaddy wrote:
    mine too :( but ive taken measures and ive moved stuff around to find new directions of heat

    Yep, now done that too. It will all be wet again after half a mile, but nothing worse than putting it on wet :?
  • tardington
    tardington Posts: 1,379
    The older women at my work look on me with a motherly eye - the last time I got soaked, they smothered me with towels and I couldn't do anything for the array of cups of tea arranged about me. 8)
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    my shorts are dry, my tshirt is dry, my socks are almost dry and my gloves are dry, my jumper is damp on the ends of the sleeves though. Im sure i can manage with all that. Lets hope it doesnt rain for the next hour and a bit!
  • Before I go home tonight I will be strapping bits of carrier bag to by shoes with elastic bands - hopefully that will keep them dry-ish... :D
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    Before I go home tonight I will be strapping bits of carrier bag to by shoes with elastic bands - hopefully that will keep them dry-ish... :D
    why dont you get some overshoes?
  • Can you get overshoes that will go over smart work shoes or will they just go over proper cycling shoes?
  • spasypaddy wrote:
    Before I go home tonight I will be strapping bits of carrier bag to by shoes with elastic bands - hopefully that will keep them dry-ish... :D
    why dont you get some overshoes?

    Given how toasty my feet were on my journey home last night, I think I will.
  • spasypaddy wrote:
    why dont you get some overshoes?

    As my shoes are still wet this morning from their soaking yesterday morning (despite a night in the hot water cupboard!) I think I will too....
  • Do they do them for girls, I've only ever seen bloke's overshoes?

    So typical...yesterday got soaked on the way here, it stopped raining while I sat at my desk all day, and started again shortly before I left for home. A gazillion mushy leaves all over the place too. Meh.
  • Do they do them for girls, I've only ever seen bloke's overshoes?

    do you want pink ones?? surely your average overshoe is fairly unisex?
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    my waterproof shoes keep the water in brilliantly
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • No, I want ones that aren't miles too big for me!
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    No, I want ones that aren't miles too big for me!

    I'm pretty sure there are a range of sizes

    shop away
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • The funny thing is that I hadn't bought overshoes before because I was concerned that they would make my already sizeable size 12 shoes look enormous.

    And then I rode home last night with plastic bags tied around my feet! :?
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    The funny thing is that I hadn't bought overshoes before because I was concerned that they would make my already sizeable size 12 shoes look enormous.

    And then I rode home last night with plastic bags tied around my feet! :?
    haha so you have the choice between looking silly or looking like you have clowns feet... know which one ill have!
  • spasypaddy wrote:
    ive got some of these ... 0Overshoes
    they are excellent. I recommend them!

    Their biggest XL size is for size 46-47 shoes. My trainers are size 28, and given that they are (I think) cross-trainers rather than svelte little cycling shoes, I'm not convinced that they'd fit :(

    Looks like it's the plastic bags for me!
  • here you go TotalNewbie!!

  • They're hideous! Some ordinary black ones that'd fit a ladies size 6 (39) would do!

    Some of the sizes on wiggle are ambiguous (S/M/L) could mean anything, but I see there are some on there that say 39/40, they might do. If a woman's 39 is the same as a men's 39 that is, I have no idea.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    spasypaddy wrote:
    ive got some of these ... 0Overshoes
    they are excellent. I recommend them!

    Their biggest XL size is for size 46-47 shoes. My trainers are size 28, and given that they are (I think) cross-trainers rather than svelte little cycling shoes, I'm not convinced that they'd fit :(

    Looks like it's the plastic bags for me!
    sorry size 28!!?!? do you have to have all your shoes specially made? How big are you!?