What's Annoying You Right Now...

CHRISNOIR Posts: 1,400
edited November 2007 in The bottom bracket
I'm currently at work where we are listening to Kerrang Radio (everyone in the office gets a day to choose a station). 'Nickelback' have been on three times today. This is annoying...

What's getting your goat right now, this instant?


  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    daughter just poo'd. yuk.
  • Lbaguley
    Lbaguley Posts: 161
    That this day is dragging so much (got something to look forward when I get home :D )

    oh, and direct line are dragging their heels over deciding on liability, despite the fact that I was stationary and the guy hit me :evil:
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    The cold.
    Dark evenings.
    Lack of holiday left.
    The fact that it's not friday evening.
    The fact that I'm at work.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784


    And breathe....
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • The woman next door's dog is annoying me. Little yappy bastard!

    Actual fact the woman is annoying me too. She puts our rubbish out for us, 2 days early then moans that we spread nappies all over her garden, even though it's happened once and was caused by foxes. And we picked it up.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,812
    i cant tell the ndifference between calcareous algae and foramnifera
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • My fitness has gone down the pan (well ish) since it started to get dark and I go out about three times a week if Im lucky...
  • Rykard
    Rykard Posts: 582
    My boss who's on holiday... wish he would insert his Blackberry where the sun don't shine :evil:

    A Vision of a Champion is someone who is bent over, drenched with sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching.
  • Motorists who can't be bothered to dip their headlights when a cyclist's coming the other way on unlit roads (I actually landed in a clump of nettles the other weekend after being dazzled and unable to make out the edge of a country lane; fortunately the swellings subsided fairly quickly although my backside did have the appearance of being made of Lego for a little while :oops: ), despite said cyclist having full complement of working lights.

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,400
    The cold and damp. Makes all the old injuries come back to haunt me...
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 12,155
    That I have just found out today that my whole department is going to be outsourced, and the fact that I relocated here to work for the bloody place, as in moving half way across the country, selling our last house, and going through all the hassle of buying one here.

    They want me to transfer over.

    I have other ideas however.
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • ivancarlos
    ivancarlos Posts: 1,034
    There was 2 doughnuts and 2 muffins in the cupboard before I went out earlier. Now I can't find them. I think my OH has hidden them somewhere but I can't find them. :(
    I have pain!
  • Motorists who can't be bothered to dip their headlights when a cyclist's coming the other way on unlit roads (I actually landed in a clump of nettles the other weekend after being dazzled and unable to make out the edge of a country lane; fortunately the swellings subsided fairly quickly although my backside did have the appearance of being made of Lego for a little while :oops: ), despite said cyclist having full complement of working lights.


    What he said..............

    Pisses me off no end, the ignorant retards!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  • Decided whether to continue with my application into the marines, work with my dad for a bit, or spend a year working (and cycling) in Australia while working for my uncle.

    The fact that I can't do all three at once is annoying me.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • ChrisLS
    ChrisLS Posts: 2,749
    ...the company I work for just keep buying more and more machinary but no operators to run them...
    ...all the way...'til the wheels fall off and burn...
  • 2 things:

    1. Had a meeting organised for 4:30 by country director to show appreciation to my team for efforts this year - He and his team forgot to turn up!!!!

    2. Rainy season here. Stuck in office tonight whilst the floods from todays storm subside! Traffic is chaos as a result - Glad I did not cycle in.....
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    The two large dog turds left right outside my front gate last night. Makes me want to get CCTV so that I can find out where the owner lives and post them back through the letter box.

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,623
    My suspected inflammed appendix. It's been painful since Sunday evening and my GP has told me to take painkillers, go straight to casualty if it worsens and go back and see her next week if it's still painful.

    I'm almost willing to go to hospital and have them cut the wee bugger out.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    bad tesco shop

    first, lots of miserable old folks who just looked at me completely vacantly when I was trying to be kind/smiley etc
    Second, my two year old bashed me on the head with the point of a little car. It made me cry it was so painful.
    Third, ignorant woman in a smart car, probably the smallest car in the whole of tesco, parked in a mummies and daddies space WITHOUT KIDS, while I'm in my Toyota Previa, probably one of the biggest cars in the car park, struggling in a small space with kids sitting in the trolloey in the middle of the road etc etc.

    I had to go because Cycling Weekly is out today and I want to read the review of Etape.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    pneumatic wrote:
    The two large dog turds left right outside my front gate last night. Makes me want to get CCTV so that I can find out where the owner lives and post them back through the letter box.

    AWWW, I can't stand that. We have to be really vigilant for dog turds on our way to school as you can guarantee that one of the kids will step in it. It's absolutely disgusting.
  • ivancarlos
    ivancarlos Posts: 1,034
    Just home to find that the dog got to the mail first. I had ordered the Essential Squeeze cd but the box and cover have been shredded and the cd is scaped and has tooth shaped dents in it thus rendering it unplayable. The other annoying thing is the junk mail is untouched. Grrrr :evil:
    I have pain!
  • noggincp
    noggincp Posts: 1,881
    <font>"Tongue sandwiches? Bleah! Eat what? But it\'s been in somebody else\'s mouth"</font>
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525

    I'm having an unusual day :)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    The race section of this forum.
  • Max_Man
    Max_Man Posts: 185
    Everything...in one of those moods today..... :evil:
  • The bleeding heart liberal up their own@rses vegan do-gooding student counsellors who think that cheating b@stard students who have never produced an original thought in their entire university career deserve our support and another chance!

    Throw the boggers out I say (and the students..)
  • Not much; got a few cans of Bass on the go, got the 'phones on at ear bleeding volume, got the day off work tomorrow, got tickets for Gloucester/Ospreys rugby tomorrow night, got a good friend from Wales coming over for said match + beer, got my big bruvvers 25th wedding anniversary party to go to on Saturday night, so all in all, good times. Just wish it wasn't so bloody cold.

  • The fact that I can't ride at the mo because I pulled a stupid muscle in my @rse playing stupid squash. At first I tried to 'run it off' by playing another game of squash, a game of five-a-side and a quick ride. Funnily enough that didn't work so now I'm trying the 'give it a rest' tactic, which doesn't appear to work either. Only today I trotted across the road because a car was approaching a bit quick and it nearly brought tears to my eyes!

    And all my work colleagues are simply pi$$ing themselves with sympathy of course!
    There's always one more idiot than you bargained for.