Helmet replacement

zeroshoddy Posts: 59
edited November 2007 in Road beginners
Should a helmet be replaced after a period of time (even if never dropped). What is the wisdom on this.

And if answer is ‘yes’, any recommends / what guides your choice?

I sport a Giro Pneumo at the mo – about 4 years old


  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    http://www.bikeradar.com/forums/viewtop ... ght=helmet

    Views on all you want to know (and probably more) in the attached thread.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Yes, the polystyrene does degrade with time, although I don't know off-hand what the recommended lifespan is. Probably 1 year if you ask the manufacturer :roll:

    They do get a bit sweaty / grubby as well with use. Probably change mine every 2-3 years because of this.

    My choice is limited to blue 'cos it matches my club's kit (and I'm a tart :oops: ) - make is not too important to me, although I think the US manufacturers (Specialized, Trek etc) have to pass the slightly more stringent Snell standard than those that just have to meet BS.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    I have been married just over 20 years so mine is a bit worn and needs replacing 8)
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    I've heard 5 years.

    My old MET was about 8 years old!

    Just got a Bell for the roadie £20

    Still use the MET or MTB

    Giving it Large
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Some manufacturers such as Giro and Bell only provide warranty support for 3 years from purchase. Typically, materials in helmets are inclined to 'age' particularly due to exposure to UV and ozone - so depends whether you live near the sunny seaside and use it regularly ;-)
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..