Winter blues and spooky routes

coltrane Posts: 74
edited November 2007 in Road beginners
Just a moan about this time of year, leaving the house in the dark and getting home in the dark. I find it tough to get motivated to get out when its cold and damp, I’m back on my MTB fully strapped with lights I look like bloody "luminous man", I also hate how long it takes to get the layers on compared to the summer, and its only going to get colder! Also having spent the spring and summer on a road bike I forgot how spooky some of my old MTB routes are in the dark (I suppose it makes you pedal faster). Also after a summer on the road I feel like I’m going backwards on the MTB, anyway roll on the weekend and lighter evenings.... Moan over


  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    coltrane wrote:
    I also hate how long it takes to get the layers on compared to the summer
    Know what you minimum commute is 6 miles / 20 minutes if I don't put any extra loops in to get there. Takes about the same time to get the layers on and back off again when I get to work. :roll:
  • nickcuk
    nickcuk Posts: 275
    I love night riding - especially the spooky bits. There is a road called Catchpenny Lane near Chelford with woods on either side that freak me everytime I ride through at night - there are always sounds like running footsteps and my HR goes well into the top zone, but then you emerge with a long rise towards the gently lit Jodrell Bank radio telescope and all is well again in the world
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Get a thermal top - just two layers - base and top - windproof too ........ nice and toasty