Keeping Fit While Traveling

Wolfy2001 Posts: 5
edited November 2007 in Road beginners
Hi All,

I really want to get into cycling I however have a job which takes me out of the country for long periods. Some of these places I could take a bike and ride but there are a lot where I cant.

Will I be able to keep myself at a reasonable standard by just using excercise bikes or other forms of excercise when my road bike is not available? Because when I'm back I want to be fit enough to go on long rides or even go one cycling holidays.

Am I wasting my time taking this up?


  • Wolfy,
    i have a job that takes me all over the shop also. If i go for more than a night, i tend to take my jogging gear. Just go out for 30 mins to keep the fitness. THe biggest issue with travelling for the job is food & beer - poor choice of healthy food available, too much beer with colleagues :D:D
    If i dont take my running kit, make sure you get out for a good ole walk every night , but a brisk walk that makes you sweat.
    I find that this keeps my fitness level turning over. I'm not super fit, but notice the difference massively if i do nothing.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    I spent a number of years travelling globally and suffered similar issues - the key thing is train smart, not for distance. I rode L'etape in 1999 on less than a 1000 miles training and just missed silver. Making use of hotel gyms wherever possible as well as taking my running shoes was key. Depends where in the world you're travelling and whether you're staying over weekends can make a difference - plan your business trips around training - that's what I used to do, making sure I was in San Francisco for a weekend, or even New York - it's amazing how many laps of Central Park you do. Inline skating is another a complimentary excercise to cycling and far easier to pack for your trip.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Pack your running kit and make sure you have a run/walk before dinner.
    Another thing I always do is not eat at the hotel you are staying in, I either drive somewhere else so I can't drink or in the summer have a long walk to restaurant and explore the area.
    "BEER" Proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Another recommendation for packing your running kit. A pair of trunks and goggles are also useful if you have access to a swimming pool.

    I spent two years away, in a place where I could only run infrequently. It became quite important to watch what I was eating and how much of it I was eating.
  • willbevan
    willbevan Posts: 1,241
    another vote for running kit, and swimming kit

    I also keep an aye out for leasure centres, they have classes usually, same as gyms, curcuit training etc
    Road - BTwin Sport 2 16s
    MTB - Trek Fuel 80
    TT - Echelon
  • running gear and hotel gymns same here. And I agree beer is excess food is the biggest pitfall
  • Thanks every one,

    I swim reguarly and make use of gyms where available at the moment I just didnt know whether that would be enough to keep my cycling fit.

    Just out of interest whats sort of time or effort on excercise bikes is required to get myself to a good standard of cycling fitness.