Does Red Bull Work?

martins2463 Posts: 51
edited November 2007 in Workshop
Never tried it, till this morning......but here is my story

Work up Friday am with Stomach pains, well after suffering at work most of Friday was in bed Friday early evening, Saturday am felt like I had gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson, Saturday afternoon a little better and went out for some air, on the way back popped into the corner shop and just happened to see a can a red bull, well determined to do my Sunday 50 miles I thought give it a go, so after another nights good sleep a decent breakfast and being half ready to go I drank the red bull well, I have to say, it might be in the mind but the energy levels came back and the first 30 miles was most energetic, so for me it worked, is red Bull a banned Substance? Have I or would I break any UCI anti-doping rules by drinking this stuff, do I face a world wide ban? Will my wife who encouraged me to drink it be able to carry on coaching me?


  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    I could be in the mind up to a point.

    there is caffine and sugars in there too.

    Can't do any harm, if you need a short boost

    Giving it Large
  • Steve I
    Steve I Posts: 428
    Can't help you with any of your questions, but after reading your story I think I'll try some. I always seem to feel terrible on a morning ride before lunch. If I go after lunch I'm a different person.
  • simbil1
    simbil1 Posts: 620
    It's also got taurine in it which might decrease muscle fatigue.
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    I have it now and again (not counting when added to vodka). I can't really say I've noticed a difference performance between any of the energy drinks I've used, be it Lucozade Sport (various), Powerade or PSP22.
  • grazer
    grazer Posts: 131
    i think red bull (or other caffeinated drinks/gels etc) definitely work. It is supposed to increase fat metabolism for energy.

    From a personal perspective, i have used before early morning training sessions (swim, bike or run) and i think it has a positive impact.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    I have it as a recovery drink after every ride, well most of them anyway, and it does work that way for me.
  • Normal (i.e not diet) coke or pepsi has a similar buzz and is much cheaper. My GP recommended to me not to consume Taurine but I cant recall the reason why.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    My GP recommended to me not to consume Taurine but I cant recall the reason why.
    It can make you very forgetful..............................I think that's what I read somewhere anyway. :lol:
  • Bronzie wrote:
    My GP recommended to me not to consume Taurine but I cant recall the reason why.
    It can make you very forgetful..............................I think that's what I read somewhere anyway. :lol:

    :D :roll:
  • Before a club ride I have 2 pro plus and a can of red bull. And I carry one with me to have while riding. I swear by it. It works for me ask my fellow club riders :D
  • Might check this...

    Wired What's Inside Red Bull
  • Isn't the main effect of Red Bull supposed to come from the caffeine? And I'm sure that I read something in either C+ or the comic recently debunking the effect of caffeine, basically saying that it can have a stimulant effect but only if you haven't had any caffeine for the last couple of weeks. If my memory serves, they explained the so-called caffeine buzz partly as a placebo and also by the drinker coming out of caffeine withdrawal as they get their morning evidence that it helps concentrate or improve performance.
    Still, there is always the placebo effect...the worry would be at what effect to your body?
  • simbil1
    simbil1 Posts: 620
    Personally I'd save the stimulants for race day rather than club runs. I reckon drugs plus hard exercise is the big reason that competitive cyclists don't tend to live to a ripe old age...
  • Red bull is glucose / fructose syrup / caffiene / taurine effectively. The rest does sod all. It also varies in consistency between shops as some people import it from other countries. The stuff from the netherlands is best as it has 2x the caffiene in it.

    Personally I wouldn't drink it at all. Having drank 6 tins of it in one day, I was seriously ill for a couple of days. Plus it makes you shit like a fire hose.
  • I don't touch the stuff personally, can't stand the taste. Doesn't it also elevate your heart rate? Surely that can't be a good thing before heavy exercise as it would push you closer to your max HR before you've even started. Or am I wrong? I also seem to remember some fuss over it in relation to a few deaths.. which can't be good. Is it also still banned in France?
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Of course it works. The ads say so.

    Dennis Noward
  • djmc
    djmc Posts: 38
    Never had the stuff but it is still banned in France.
  • farrell
    farrell Posts: 1,323
    pro+ and redbull can do wonders on race day......but you will feel really cr@p after.
  • rustychisel
    rustychisel Posts: 3,444
    it makes you shoot like a fire hose.

    come again?????
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    I\'m only escaping to here because the office is having a conniption
  • chrisjsmith wrote:
    it makes you shoot like a fire hose.

    come again?????

    Yes I think that is what he meant!
  • shoot == s h i t

    shoot != s p l u r g e