Routes in Swindon

motorsport Posts: 6
edited November 2007 in MTB rides

Live in swindon

Does anybody know of any good places in swindon, to do a bit off roading, or just a good route for fitness work



  • iant
    iant Posts: 45

    You have loads nearby,

    Cotswolds has loads to offer, check out Ashton MTB for routes.

    Otherwise there's the Rideway, that takes you to Reading.

    Hope this helps

  • hi

    Thanks Ian, but i was more looking into stuff in and very close to swindon, as at the moment i am trying to build up my fitness, and i have lived in swindon all my life, but not really saw where to go,

  • Depends how close you want - Close enough to cycle to? Close enough to be half-hour in a car? Either way there's plenty of cycling around Swindon.

    Easiest thing is to get yourself an OS Map of the area (preferably 1:25,000) and look for RUPPs (Road Used As A Public Path, now called Restricted Byways), BOATS (Byways Open To All Traffic) and Bridleways. Remember you may not ride on a footpath.

    Have a look down by the Ogbournes and south of the M4 generally. You can pick up the Ridgeway from Swindon and it's a nice route over to White Horse Hill.

    Time is very tight for me at the moment, but PM me if you want to go out sometime or even if you just want me to show you the way round an OS map over a beer. I live just north of Swindon. Only started biking a year ago and nothing serious.

  • Hi

    beer is not such a good idea, only 16, at the moment i am just gtting fit, on my bike, got a map at home will look on the internet aswell

  • No worries James. 16 means driving is also out unless you can cadge a lift. :(

    Oh well, better mention green blobs then! These, on the map, are cycle routes. There's a couple of those going through Swindon which may help out get out of the town to more interesting stuff.

    I just noticed there is a surfaced cycle way coming out of NW Swindon towards Cricklade. Dunno what it's like though.

    On the opposite side of Swindon, the route from Wanborough to White Horse Hill (and beyond) is nice. A lot of it is compacted gravel/scalpings so not too tiring. Don't worry about the hills - they'll help you get fit and you'll be amazed at how quickly a difficult hill becomes much easier.

    Whatever, get on your bike and get out there! Enjoy!

  • Hi

    I am going to look on Sustrans and see the cycle routes on there, as i have seen routes for them around, i think they may go up to coate water

  • Hi

    I am going to look on Sustrans and see the cycle routes on there, as i have seen routes for them around, i think they may go up to coate water
