Replace cassette/freewheel for lower gears

Mettan Posts: 2,103
edited November 2007 in Road beginners
Is it possible to replace a cassette/freewheel on say a Road bike with a Double, to a larger cassette/freewheel to create lower gears? I'm thinking along the lines of replacing a 13-28T cassette for an 11-34T - is that possible to is it too large a jump? - is there any other bits that'd need replacing with such a "large" change?



  • ash68
    ash68 Posts: 320
    Hi Mettan,don't know all the answers to your questions. Others will be more clued up than me, but I think you would need a long cage rear mech, to take that wide a cassette, probably change the lengh of your chain as well .I presume your using a standard double chainset i.e. 39/52 or similar. Could be worth looking into the price of a compact chainset i.e.34/50. Suppose it depends on what your using at the moment ,what condition it's in and how much you intend to spend.What's on the bike at the moment? Sora?105?Campag?
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    HI Ash - I'm basically in the process of looking for a budget road bike with low enough gears for general riding but particularly Sportives - budget triples and compacts tend to cost more than budget doubles - just looking at a double with 39x28 as its lowest gear I'm not too confident I'd be able to handle it on a hill after say 50 or 60 miles without putting too much strain on my knees - so, am just thinking about the potential of replacing the cassette/freewheel on a double with an 11-34T or similar to create some lower gears still.
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    If you are using Shimano you will need an MTB rear mech to run that cassette. Also a longer chain.
  • ash68
    ash68 Posts: 320
    Can see where your coming from Mettan, I did a couple of sportives this year and too be honest was glad of my triple on some of the hills. I prefer to spin rather than slog up them.Found I was passing riders on doubles who were struggling to keep the pedals turning.IMO, If your buying new I would go for a triple or compact from the start.Don't know what your budget is, but may be worth a look at do a Revolution Continental Race for £375 with a compact 36/50 and a 12/23 cassette( which could be changed for slightly wider range) with sora sti's. Also a Giant scr3 for £465 triple chainset 30/40/52 and a 12/26 cassette again with sora stii's. Would think any decent bike shop would alter gearing/cassette to suit your needs eally. Hope this is of some help and not just waffle. Cheers.
  • LeighB
    LeighB Posts: 326
    Have a look at Wiggle, Giant SCR4 compact chainset 36-50 with 12-26 cassette for £305.
    I have one of these and have had no problems. Also I have done most of the hard climbs in the Lake District on this gearing and it was ok.
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    Thanks guys - I'll probably just plump for something with a reasonably low gear (atleast 39x28), try it out for a month or two, then if need be make the cassette/chain/rear mech change to get a lower gear.