Clubs in West Cumbria?

BigLee1 Posts: 449
Can anyone recommend a club in West Cumbria thats novice friendly? ie no "you must be able to do 60 miles or you`re not joining" :D



  • rhnb
    rhnb Posts: 324
    Depending where you are then I would reckon VC Cumbria would be a good bet.
    Their web site's here if you want to take it further...

    Hope this helps and good luck...
    Cycle tour reports and the home of \'Cycling Before Lycra\'
  • How did you get on I sitting on the fence a bit to joining a club I live in west Cumbria and I like the idea more so to meeting up for Sunday ride an a good crack while getting a good work out?
  • rhnb
    rhnb Posts: 324
    Where abouts in West Cumbria are you?

    Me and a few mates are out every Sunday. Some live in Kendal, the rest of us in Ulverston. So, we usually meet up at somewhere like Skelwith Bridge.

    Some info here on the sort of rides we do here...

    Probably going for the Fred Whitton again in May so we'll be getting plenty of miles in. If you're in the area, feel free to drop m a line and we could maybe meet up. I'd just say, some of us (me) might not be fast enough for you.
    One thing though we do have a good laugh - guaranteed.

    Cheeers... Allan
    Cycle tour reports and the home of \'Cycling Before Lycra\'
  • pinarellodude
    pinarellodude Posts: 102
    edited December 2007
    Just over the estuary in Millom.

    Wouldn't mind meeting up for one off the Sunday rides but the next few Sundays are taken up with Family duties, this Sunday I'm taking the my Kids to the Santa train at Haverthwaith lol. Weather looks dreadful this weekend as well, I'm a Train Driver so looking at trains on my day off doesn't fill me with much joy lol. I an usually do a good 30 miles in about 1hr and 30 mins comfortably so don't know if this is too slow?
  • BigLee1
    BigLee1 Posts: 449
    I didn`t get a club sorted after all. I live in Workington so Ulverston to me is further away than Scotland!
    And with working shifts only 2 sundays in 5 I`m free but cycling through the week means it`s a little quieter where I go
  • rhnb
    rhnb Posts: 324
    Just over the reservoir in Millom.

    I an usualy do a good 30 miles in about 1hr and 30 mins comfortably so don't know if this is too slow?

    That's far too fast ;-) Enjoy the scenery :-) (or is this in your train?)

    Well, one of us would be able to keep up with you, but it's not me!
    Mind you, I can keep going for a long time (I have to ;-)

    Seriously, it depends on the route of course. But I guess through the winter we're normally doing 15-16mph average over say 60 miles.

    Drop me a line when you're next off duty. Enjoy Thomas the Tank Engine ;-)
    Cycle tour reports and the home of \'Cycling Before Lycra\'
  • Defiantly give you lot a buzz next Sunday the family give me a pass :D Been looking at the picture looks like a good crowd 8)
  • BigLee1 wrote:
    I didn`t get a club sorted after all. I live in Workington so Ulverston to me is further away than Scotland!
    And with working shifts only 2 sundays in 5 I`m free but cycling through the week means it`s a little quieter where I go

    Isn't there the Honister lot up your way, Ive seen them meeting at the Pelican at the top off Whitehaven for a Sunday ride I'm sure. :)
  • Honister 92 I think they are called. They meet at the garage at Whitehaven every sunday (as you approach from workington) at either 9 or 10 am. I have often tagged along with them and they are all very nice. were trying to recruit me so they can't be that bad! They have different levels of fitness riders, some who go up Whinlatter for fun and some who enjoy the scenery and stop for a cuppa!

    There are quite a few of us up at Stainburn who ride but as winter approached our numbers dwindled and we are hibernating till nxt year! I only get out as and when I can but there are loads who are out all weathers! Nutters!