Which wheels for old bike - 27" or 700C ?

lastpubrunner Posts: 108
edited November 2007 in Workshop
Hi All

I'd like to get some new good quality 27" lightweight wheels for my Rory O'Brien.

I'd be grateful if you could give me some ideas; I'm not sure what is available nowadays or where from; or how much they might cost.

It is ages since I purchased any wheels or tyres and I'm out of touch with what is available for 27" wheels.

Can anyone suggest any lightweight wheels which are suitable for fairly fast roadwork on a fairly lightweight frame ? I'd also be pleased if I could find out a source(s) for such wheels. Within reason, cost is not really an issue.

I'd also like to know any recommendations for tyres.

Then again, should I try to fit 700C wheels ? - If so, which ?

