Are people jealous?

Jonah2940 Posts: 58
edited October 2007 in Road beginners
Was on a 40mph descent today when some w@anker overtook us and threw a bottle at me from the car window.
I wobbled a bit but managed to stay on. I looked at him and he was a fat, sweaty blob ,about 20 years old whose only excercise is probably walking from his house to his car to drive to KFC.
The road was very wide with plenty of room to pass.
Do you think people do these things because they can't do what we do and are jealous of our fitness and good health (and my lovely bike!)?


  • HarryB
    HarryB Posts: 197
    No, they do it because they are ill-mannered, obnoxious c**ts. Unfortunately, the country is full of them. What's more it's getting worse. Scum breed faster than the rest of us.
  • IanLD
    IanLD Posts: 423
    I'd have reported him to the police. Looks like attempted assault to me without taking in to account what could possibly have happened.

    You never know, you may actually get some action taken.

    Don't understand the mentality of these types. Main problem up here is those who take great delight in throwing every glass bottle they have on to the cycle routes making them unusable. That and spreading stones all over them too. I've lost count of how many punctures I've had, so it is now safer to ride on the road with the traffic.
  • I totally agree with the post above about cycling on the road being safer.

    There are some really great cycle paths where I live, but add in a bunch of neds hanging around on the path [or even worse on the bridge going over it] and I'd rather take my chances with the ignorant bus drivers etc.

    Jonah, sorry to hear about your incident. I've definitely noticed that drive-by cyclist abusers tend to be red-faced and of a heavier build . :wink:
  • emaichael
    emaichael Posts: 109
    Jonah2940 wrote:
    Was on a 40mph descent today when some w@anker overtook us and threw a bottle at me from the car window.
    I wobbled a bit but managed to stay on. I looked at him and he was a fat, sweaty blob ,about 20 years old whose only excercise is probably walking from his house to his car to drive to KFC.
    The road was very wide with plenty of room to pass.
    Do you think people do these things because they can't do what we do and are jealous of our fitness and good health (and my lovely bike!)?

    yes, exactly, they are jealous...
    wouldn't you just want to do what i did? and pull up along side one of these fags at traffic lights, and reach through the window and swing for him?

    and made him spill his KFC. (well this bit didn't actually happen)

    heres examples of people who don't like us :( i didnt know it was possible to not like us cyclists... ... %20weather

    oh, and always wear your helmet.
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    Sorry to hear about your incident.

    I had something similar happen to me earlier in the year. Some fat degenerate in a nasty little Fiesta somehow managed to fit through a sunroof and propel an orange at me. All I saw was soemthing fly past me. It missed and hit a parked Mercedes who's owner nearly shat himself.

    I was quite shocked but to this date I'm not sure what surprised me the most. The fact that I'd be targeted with a piece of fruit or the fact that a chav had an item of fruit on him. Given the size of the striped-top wearing sh!t I might not have been so taken aback if he'd thrown a Big Mac or a carton of chips at me.

    I did reach into my back pocket and toyed with the idea of throwing my pump at the car but decided against it.

    I find the roads safer. We have some decent cycle paths around here but, as the previous posters have pinted to, they're inevitably littered with glass. I still use them on my MTB but I wouldn't venture onto them on a road bike. I use them for pushing it home when I've had an unsanctioned untimely release of air only.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    emaichael wrote:

    I've got too admit this guy has a few points which I agree with, though as he gets to the end of his his rant his solutions to the problems are rather unreasonable.

    I do think there are quite a few irresponsible cyclists out there, and the rest of us get tarred with the same brush.
    I like bikes...

  • emaichael wrote:

    I've got too admit this guy has a few points which I agree with, though as he gets to the end of his his rant his solutions to the problems are rather unreasonable.

    I do think there are quite a few irresponsible cyclists out there, and the rest of us get tarred with the same brush.

    I think he should be charged with inciting violence.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    HarryB wrote:
    No, they do it because they are ill-mannered, obnoxious c**ts. Unfortunately, the country is full of them. What's more it's getting worse. Scum breed faster than the rest of us.

    Hear hear. What a complete tosser. The police could choose between littering and assault when deciding what to charge this halfwit with.
  • HarryB wrote:
    No, they do it because they are ill-mannered, obnoxious c**ts. Unfortunately, the country is full of them. What's more it's getting worse. Scum breed faster than the rest of us.

    Never a truer word said.

    These people are morons, just ignore them don't get mad just enjoy your ride.
    CHRISNOIR Posts: 1,400
    I don't understand how people can get so worked up (and to decide to actually throw something must take take some anger - or stupidity) about what is essentially just a person on a bike. That's all. It's not someone insulting your Mother, it's not someone threatening your kids. It's just someone on a bicycle...
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    I had some cretins shout abuse at me from their soupped up micra or some other piece of sh!t car with ill fitting exhaust... I ignored it and carried on these two ladies pulled up to me at the next traffic lights and offered me some dried banana having said they saw those tits having a go and were very nice. they were cute too 8)

    not everyone is a tosspot out there but there will always be the mindless minority tarring everyone else both in cars and on bikes
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • What with the hand held mobile holding people in gas gussling people carriers as well, the roads are getting more and more dangerous.

    (touching wood) I have only had one piece of something chucked at me this year and they yelled that I was a "Druggy"...

    I must have been going quickly for them to arrive at this conclusion!!!
  • There are "dipshits" like that everywhere. They tend to have a go at anyone who isn't a "conformist pikey".

    Back in '97, I used to drive a 1976 Land Rover series 2 and had no end of comments.

    I've had two so far cycling (and I've only been riding a bike 4 weeks now). First one "get off the fucking pavement you twat" (I was in a marked green bike lane on the pavement). And the second was after some muppet stepped off the kerb and I nearly hit him. I was called "wreckless cunt".

    Both got the finger (which is hard as I can't ride one handed that well yet).
  • hothead
    hothead Posts: 123
    Once saw some scroat in a car give a bloke a load of abuse and chuck a empty can at him. The next part is the greatest thing I ever saw. Chap in car pulled up to some lights, roadman on a great looking colnago pulled up alongside him, got of the bike cool as a cucumber opened drivers door and cracked him 3 times so hard the lad started crying. Then got back on his bike and off he went.

    3 weeks later I saw the above roadman on the door of a real rough arse boozer! Would love to go out for a spin with him every weekend!!
  • There is a little village that I often pass through on my bike and almost every time I pass through some teenage chav shouts abuse at me. Is it the lycra or the helmet that does it? I don't know.

    My main point though, do you ever get raced by BMX riders? There is a section I pass through which has lights every 50 metres or so. You pass the BMX rider and then have to stop at the lights. The BMX rider races past as fast as his cr*ppy little bike can go, pedalling with a cadence of about 200!! The lights change, I overtake and then have to stop again etc until I get past that section and then just leave them behind. What are they trying to prove??

    Those little chavs are so annoying!!

    FCN : 4
  • emaichael
    emaichael Posts: 109
    i is a chav piece O shlt liek.
  • Parkey
    Parkey Posts: 303
    I've had kids throw snowballs at me. Shame they weren't very bright though. It was at the bottom of a hill and they waited until I'd gone past to throw them, so the snowballs didn't even catch up with me.
    "A recent study has found that, at the current rate of usage, the word 'sustainable' will be worn out by the year 2015"
  • slojo
    slojo Posts: 56
    It's just possible that these 'chavs' have identified you as the kind of pompous idiot who looks down on somebody because they ride a 'crappy' bike that doesn't go as fast as yours. In which case you deserve the abuse.
  • Eat My Dust
    Eat My Dust Posts: 3,965
    I find the BMXers OK, occassionally they try and race with me, but usually it's all done with them laughing while they do it. I have a huge BMX/skate park close to my house, and I think it's a great thing, it give the kids "something to do" which seems to be lacking in most communities. BTW, I find that the kids on the BMXers are rarely chavs.
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    benvickery wrote:

    My main point though, do you ever get raced by BMX riders? There is a section I pass through which has lights every 50 metres or so. You pass the BMX rider and then have to stop at the lights. The BMX rider races past as fast as his cr*ppy little bike can go, pedalling with a cadence of about 200!! The lights change, I overtake and then have to stop again etc until I get past that section and then just leave them behind. What are they trying to prove??

    it's tongue in cheek, I always find it funny and give them enough space to make them challenge for a bit, then it's time to head off.

    I'm pretty sure I'd have done the same as a child.. it's a good thing imo
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • mea00csf
    mea00csf Posts: 558
    funniest thing i heard was some guy had his windscreen washer squirters pointed to hit cyclists. Manages to get one of my mates. So after catching the guy in the car at the traffic lights where he's had to stop, he overtakes on the right gets out his water bottle and (this was the middle of summer and the guy had window down and stereo up) squirts him with water through the window. Cyclist is amazing so know worries about escaping in the middle of the city centre :lol:
  • LOL!!

    BTW I refer to the BMXs as "crappy" but then I ride a 17 year old mtb, so I suppose mine isn't much better.

    Also I live in north Kent, not far from Chatham, home of the chav, all the kids who race me are definitely chavs

    FCN : 4
  • nickcuk
    nickcuk Posts: 275
    The only 'hassle' I've had up here in rural Cheshire is beeps of the horn from the Sunday morning god-squad and I never have the heart to drag them out of their cars when I inevitably catch up with them.
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    Other than the orange-lobbing the only bother I've had is with van drivers (and not just of the white variety).

    However, as they drive vans I render their opinion null and void.

    I believe one incident could've spiralled out of control.
    Approaching an island crossing I checked behind me nad made eye contact with the driver of the vehicle immediately behind me. He held station as we passed it. A couple more cas passed by before some tw@t in a supermarket home delivery van beeped his norn and pointed at the cycle path.
    On him getting ahead of me I suggested with my hands that he was a person who pleasured himself. He slammed on his brakelights. I motioned for him to bring it on and while he pulled over to the layby he did pull back out and sped off.

    Not entirely sure what I'd of done if he had stopped and we'd had a confrontation. Other than tell him the cycle paths are invariably littered with glass, explain to him that I've no legal obligation to use the cycle path thats provided and that its called a "road bike" for a reason.

    I did have my Topeak Pocket Rocket in by jersey pocket if things had got physical though :lol:
  • Burton
    Burton Posts: 172
    I think I can top all that......I was shot at whilst taking part in a local TT.
    Where was this I hear you ask? Brixton, Liverpool, Manchester? No, rural Buckinghamshire!!
    I was hit on the side of the crash helmet about 20mm above the ear, luckily it was an air pistol and luckily it hit the helmet not my head.
    I wasn't the only one that night to be shot at but was the only one to be hit.
    One of our members is a local copper so a few of the guys went round to the house of the scum bags that did it.
    It was reported to the police who went round and put the shits up them a bit.
    I can't actually believe that kids could be that stupid, where is the fun in it?
    It wasn't all bad, I still set a reasonable time and the damage to my limited edition Lone star 7 lid was barely visible!!
  • emaichael
    emaichael Posts: 109
    what next... they take there number plates off and run us over?
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    I would think twice these days about reacting with certain types of driver in certain areas - with the increasing number of handguns being carried by kids you can't really risk a confrontation. Mind you, when out on our regular rides around the lanes of Hampshire, Surrey and Sussex it's the tw@ts in 4x4s - usually black Range Rovers that really get me - they drive right up close behind on narrow country road - where often there's no room to pass whether you're riding single or double file - and then proceed to overtake on the first blind corner and then encounter another 4x4 coming the other way! Usually you can squeeze past on the inside and leave them to psyche out who should reverse first. An army buddy has had regular run-ins with local drivers - he usually gets off his bike and explains in no uncertain terms to the driver that he's a trained killer and that nothing would please him more to practise his unarmed combat skills with the driver - which at this point the silver BMW driver is ashen-faced and usually pleading his apologies. He once had the police contact him because three builders in a van felt intimidated by him!
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • bryanm
    bryanm Posts: 218
    Last week walking through a pedestrianized area of a large city at night, a car went past me very close causing me to have to go in the opposite direction to where I was trying to get to. I muttered "tw*t" under my breath and carried on. Then the policeman got out of the unmarked car which had the window wound down and asked me to repeat what I had just said....... :oops:

    Society is becoming nasty and it seems that there is an element of society that is just out to wreck everyone elses lives. Half the time it doesn't seem to be about muggings, thefts etc, it's just about shouting abuse, hurling objects at people and generally just being obnoxious to everybody else. I'd blame the parents, but their parents are probably equally obnoxious.

    My real bugbear is cars parked on the pavement, or not giving way to pedestrians when pulling on and off drives. I've had massive rows with several people about this whilst out running. Most think that cars have right of way on the pavement, and that "I can park where I like outside my house".
    I've been run over once on the pavement, ending up sprawled across the bonnet. Driver jumped out shouting abuse at me! I was unhurt, unlike his bonnet which had a massive dent in where I landed. He then gobbed off about the damage to his car, so I asked him to call the police and get their view on who was at fault. I would have reported it but by the time I'd got home I couldn't remember his reg number.

    sorry, end of rant!
  • mm1
    mm1 Posts: 1,063
    What a depressing thread!

    I too have been run over on the pavement (while carrying my 4 year old son on my shoulders and pushing my 2 year old daughter in a buggy). Plod exprrssed sympathy for the unlicenced, untaxed scumbag who did this "the poor chap is getting a lot of abuse in the street", and neglected to drug test him (a known dealer) when he was clearly off his head. Where did this happen? Leafy Cambridgeshire.

    Lets be careful out there!
  • emaichael
    emaichael Posts: 109
    edited October 2007
    jeeezus.. well.... i try to look at it from car drivers point of view..