paris roubaix sportive 8th june 2008



  • tabmaster
    tabmaster Posts: 38
    Indeed that was the hardest thing I have ever done. The 160 miles was the furthest I have ever ridden (and was my first sportive too!). I had not raced since my mid twenties but got into a group of maybe 100+ riders and got to the first check in about 3 hours! After that it was just carnage. Seeing that French bloke (who some people reckon broke his arm, we think it was his fibula) on the ground just gave me the fear... Not worth pushing too hard on those muddy secteurs, that's asking to come off and get injured. We are not Boonen or Museeuw after all.
    Having said that, I think I might go again next time just to see if I can improve on that Pave. Must develop more power to get over the stones! That is the key, I think.
    Best bits: Seeing ordinary French people out on the street (or rather standing outside their houses) cheering everyone.
    Riding through the Arenberg and Carfoure del' Arbe and onto the Velodrome. All monumental arenas.
    Worst bits: Pain. Lots of pain. Spaniards and Italians. Lots of Spaniards and Italians... Everyone else (French, Belgians, Dutch, Brits, etc) manages to get round without too much 'drama.' Why must they 'shout' so much? In such an annoying way!!!!!!!!
    Maybe next time... :wink:
  • mozwyn69
    mozwyn69 Posts: 170
    Yes there were some very vocal Spaniards and Italians out there. It really started grating on me towards the end when my nerves were somewhat frayed, there just seemed to be a constant noise from them, not specific words just shouting and yelling. There were a group on the bus on the way back who kept it going for another 2 hours whilst everyone else looked like they could barely speak.
    In hindsight and with still sore legs I think that was the hardest ride I've ever done and possibly harder (tho very different) than the Marmotte. What a buzz on entering the Velodrome though, I won't forget that for some time.
    Sometimes you have to lose yourself
    before you can find anything.
  • Now the pain is subsiding I'm thinking about doing it again in 2010....such is the mystical pull of those cobbles!
    \'You Come At the King,You Best Not Miss\'
  • Mercury-10
    Mercury-10 Posts: 48
    well we did it , the Medway Velo's 23 of us and all got through with no problems, really pleased this year no one overtook me on the cobbles so all good loved every min' of it will be back and also we won the large cobble for biggest club! great weekend, saw the brixton cycles out there! anyone interested in reading my full report visit cheers. :P
    Yea I'm getting on