Advice please

chris_newton Posts: 5
edited October 2007 in MTB workshop & tech
Hi all

I recently bought a mountain ridge mountain bike from JJB for £79.99. I only intended it to be my first bike to get me into bike riding. In the month i have had it i had to take it back to the shop 3 times.

The first time because there was a clunking noise that i was told was due to a faulty bearing, and the crank was loose. They replaced the bearing and tightned the crank. The noise was still there so i decided just to put up with it.

Then the bike would not change gears, it would not go from 2nd to 1st, i posted a thrread on here about it and took the adivce given but it still did not solve it.

The crank came loose again and the chain kept falling off so back to the shop it went again, they kept it for another week and tightened the crank and said they had fixed the gears, On my way home i could either not change gear or it would make loud grinding noises and then change.

Final straw was that on the way home from shop the chain fell off another 2 times. Anyways the shop will not give me a refund but said i can pick another bike out as a replacement. The next one up is a rebook one priced at £129.99. Its a lttle bit of out my price range but looks like i will have to bite the bullet and buy it.

Basically my question is, i noticed on the rebook bike it uses Shimano gears which are the same as the ones on the mountin ridge i had. Can i expect the same problems again do you think?

Sorry for my ingnorance as i realy am a bike novice. Also when you change gears am i right in thinking that they should change smoothly or is the loud grinding noise normal for a bike in the £80 price range and can i expect this is the £130 price range.

Thanks for all your help



  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    get you money back and go to a bike shop.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Andy B
    Andy B Posts: 8,115
    agreed, it sounds like the folks @JJB have no idea about bikes.

    No bike when correctly built makes loud grinding noises, whether it be £79 or £799, I should know I build £79 bikes day in day out, none of them make any 'wrong' noises.

    JJB cannot refuse a refund if the bike is unfit for purpose, Citizens advice bureau & trading standards will back this fact up.

    Goto you local bike shop, preferably not Halfords as they are usually not much better than JJB.
  • stu8975
    stu8975 Posts: 1,334
    was it a mountain ridge teramo by any chance? or a mountain ridge phoenix? and the reebok trakker is a lot better bike,but any bike is only as good as the person who assembled it.
  • shin0r
    shin0r Posts: 555
    Sorry to hear of your troubles. JJB have to refund you for the bike if it's not fit for purpose (which by the sounds of things it isn't) - although I am not a lawyer; Citizens Advice Bureau is free however.

    If the worst comes to the worst you could always accept a replacement bike (of at least the same value), then take this to your local bike shop and have them give it a look over if it's causing you problems.

    Local bike shops are (usually) staffed by people who love bikes, and they won't rip you off.

    cheers and good luck!