Pony Bike Lights

Gussio Posts: 2,452
edited October 2007 in Commuting chat
The dull glow from a feeble 1 LED lamp with tired batteries isn't enough to make you visible to other roadusers in the gloom. Twisting said light out of sight or tucking it into a fold in your rucksack won't help the cause much either. There are some shocking examples of crap lightings out there at the moment.


  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    better a sh!tty light than nothing though
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Clever Pun wrote:
    better a sh!tty light than nothing though

    That is my point, I am not sure that it is. Some of the lights you see on the road (and the way they are mounted) provide zero benefit.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    i bought some knog lights the other week these in fact:
    http://www.cycleshopping.co.uk/acatalog ... g_Set.html

    now i was quite dubious as to their brightness but after using them the past few days coming home from the gym at night they are brilliant at getting you seen but not that suitable for seeing (if you know what i mean).
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,099
    Gussio wrote:
    The dull glow from a feeble 1 LED lamp with tired batteries isn't enough to make you visible to other roadusers in the gloom. Twisting said light out of sight or tucking it into a fold in your rucksack won't help the cause much either. There are some shocking examples of crap lightings out there at the moment.

    Tell me about it, was behind some speed merchant the other day, all Condor and lycra, with a rear light dangling that was as much use as a glow-worm.

    Does anyone ever point out to fellow users their invisible lights? Was tempted to with this pra77 but decided he was too full of himself to listen

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • RufusA
    RufusA Posts: 500
    Worked late tonight and was watching a variety of rear lights along Waterloo bridge.

    What struck me as a ped was what a difference light positioning meant. Some riders with bright rear lights dangling from the top of their rucksack were all but invisible as they aren't in the natural field of lights.

    Too many commuters riding in the dark with NO LIGHTS at 7PM - DEATH WISH! One I politely yelled "GET SOME LIGHTS MATE" at to be met with a finger sign - which was nice!

    A few older technology LED lights where the output was feeble to say the least and offered no illumination. Very few examples of reflective bits on clothes or bikes apart from the odd logos etc. on coats.

    Oh well, another day another road accident statistic!

  • prj45
    prj45 Posts: 2,208
    RufusA wrote:
    One I politely yelled "GET SOME LIGHTS MATE" at to be met with a finger sign - which was nice!.

    I do this when riding through Hyde Park in the dark, although I'm not polite about it in the slightest.

    "Get some lights you idiot" is my refrain.

    A couple of people have stopped to remonstrate with me, so I tell them that I know somebody who crashed into somebody with no lights in hyde park and the idiot with no lights ended up with a broken collar bone and ankle; true story.