halfords Insurance Replacement scheme

the mvps
the mvps Posts: 49
edited October 2007 in MTB general
Need some advice - as I'm sure someone on here will have had the same issue..........

Recently had my girlfriends Giant 3.5 xtc bike nicked

Insurance have appointed Halfords Insurance Department to replace the bike.

Aside from the usual "we'll phone you back in a hour & then don't and then deny you every phoned in the first place" nonsense that seems to accompany everything related to insurance claims.

Halfords have rang for details of the bike, which I gave them.

After a few chases, they finally got in touch and said that the Insurance company allowed them to offer a comparable bike of the same standard - fine by me, as I have no real loyalty to Giant.

The girl then said that we plan to give you a GT Aggressor 2.0 - which I then told her that while I did'nt know the GT range very well, I did'nt think that that was a comparable bike, but that I would go down to my local Halfords to check.

So, first thing this morning off I trot to find that the GT is nowhere near the standard of the Giant -
- Rockshock dart or something instead of Tora's
- Mechanical Disc brakes instead of Hydrolic
etc etc.

So I call them back and said that the Bike was'nt accptable and that I just wanted the Giant replacing. The lady then said we'll we'll have to revalidate (?????) the claim and come back to you as we may not be able to get the Giant.

So no responce as yet - but I am looking for some advice on how I move forward with this, as my gut feeling is that they are going to come back and say that they can't get a direct replacment.

How has anyone else dealt with this issue - the lady obvioulsy did'nt have any knowledge of bikes and clearly thought I was a pain the ars*, when I rejected the offer of the GT - which I put down to the fact that the GT is a Halfords stock model & a Giant is'nt.

Help Please !!


ps - I am also posting this in the general section - so I cover more people for a responce - sorry if this annoys anyone !!
