New Bike

mark 1
Posts: 20
Ok guys I've done it !!!after many hours sitting on forums and vairous web sites and trying bikes out and asking pretty dumb questions at times, I've finally made my choice and orderd my new bike. it is the
Giant SCR 3. 
So with a bit of luck I'll take posession of my bike middle of next week, and my bangy old raleigh which has served me well for the last nine years can either be passed down to on of my boys or it can have a rest in the back of the barn.

So with a bit of luck I'll take posession of my bike middle of next week, and my bangy old raleigh which has served me well for the last nine years can either be passed down to on of my boys or it can have a rest in the back of the barn.
Woohoo! Am thinking of getting that bike as well, so let us know if it is good on the road.0