Speed - what's good?

Piggy Posts: 43
edited October 2007 in Road beginners
I've been cycling for a little while - typically get out 4ish times a week for anything from 15 to 30 miles a go. Average speed varies from about 15.5mph to probably 18mp at the best. I know conditions make a difference - wind, rain, hills and so on - but what's a benchmark - I do log what I do and hopefully improve but always have the nagging worry that it's all to slow :(


  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    16-18mph is a decent average for a flat solo ride without busting a gut. If I'm feeling feisty I might push that over 20mph........just.
  • BMCCbry
    BMCCbry Posts: 153
    Bronzie, I reckon you should join us for a club run soon...give us a bit of a tow. 8)
  • Sounds like I can be proud of my 17.5 mile (including 250m of climbing) ride I did tonight in an hour dead on my cr*ppy old mtb. I'm counting the days until I can get a road bike.

    FCN : 4
  • dudi
    dudi Posts: 36
    Ben, you did very well!

    that's only slightly sloer than me on my roadie... and with those knobbly tyres of yours you'll pick up quite a bit of speed when you change over to a slick road bike.

    And Piggy, your times sound about right to me...
  • Dudi-After I started cycling for fun in the summer I bought some cheap 1.5'' tyres off eBay so I'm sure that makes a difference. The bike needs so much work doing on it to make it decent but I just think it would be a waste of money.

    Thanks for the compliment, My speeds have gradually got faster over the few months I've been doing it. I've lost almost a stone and I love it!!!

    FCN : 4
  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,941
    I generally average around 30kmh at the moment (around 18mph) on a midly undulating route so am quite happy with that.
  • rdaviesb
    rdaviesb Posts: 566
    Whatever speed you are comfortable at.
  • Piggy wrote:
    I've been cycling for a little while - typically get out 4ish times a week for anything from 15 to 30 miles a go. Average speed varies from about 15.5mph to probably 18mp at the best. I know conditions make a difference - wind, rain, hills and so on - but what's a benchmark - I do log what I do and hopefully improve but always have the nagging worry that it's all to slow :(

    for what?

    What are you trying to achieve?
  • Well 30MPH up a hill is just showing off.

    30MPH down hill can be done and fun.

    I thought the average was 17/18mph?

    You get fast and jiggy when you start doing weird tri/TT stuff(not good for commuting) 8)
  • nickcuk
    nickcuk Posts: 275
    30mph downhill is not a question of legs - it's a question of balls ! I bet there's a lot of not-so-good riders who hit well over that speed, including me

    30mph uphill is not a question of legs - it's a miracle so that would be an ecumenical matter
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    Whatever speed you feel comfortable with! Invest in decent tires and wheels, put the hours in the saddle and your speed will improve. I average 17.5mph over 100 miles on an undulating ride - say London to Sussex via the Kentish hills, and that's without being overly fit. If you really are getting into cycling then it's defo worth investing in a proper road bike, you'll be amazed at the difference it can make! Most importantly though, have fun!