Bike hibernation

coltrane Posts: 74
edited October 2007 in Road beginners
After being a life long MTB kid I took the plunge in the summer and got my first road bike. As the nights draw in and wetter I plan to get the mountain bike out for the winter and return to the road bike in the spring. I have tried to keep my road bike clean with warm soapy water and chain lube. Has anyone any tips for keeping a bike under wraps for the winter months? Should i get it out now and agin for a spin?


  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    If it's dry, clean and well lubed you can let it hibernate comfortably throughout the winter - no need to wake it up for extra rides - but believe me, those dry, crisp winter days are as good as any to get out on the road.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Shouldn't you put it in a strong cardboard box full of hay, marked clearly so that nobody throws it out for the dustmen.................... then in the spring you need to wipe its eyes with cotton wool dipped in warm water..................

  • BeaconRuth wrote:
    Shouldn't you put it in a strong cardboard box full of hay, marked clearly so that nobody throws it out for the dustmen.................... then in the spring you need to wipe its eyes with cotton wool dipped in warm water..................


    or, alternatively, spray everything (except the saddle) with WD40.