Chamois cream

Spoff Posts: 98
edited October 2007 in Road beginners
What's all that about then?

Do I need it? What does it do?


  • I don't know what it's meant to do, but that Assos chamois cream is certainly bracing!!!
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    The "Assos Tingle" is widely known through the cycling fraternity - just look for a smiling cyclist and it's almost certain they are enjoying their own private Assos moment.

    It's supposed to contain anti-bacterial creme to stop saddle sores developing - and to help alleviate chaffing. Works to a certain extent although others swear by Sudocrem which is much cheaper, but does not give you "the tingle".

    Certainly worth experimenting with if you are doing long rides (4 hours+).
  • I've only been cycling for extended periods for a short while, but since I started rubbing Savlon all over my nether regions I've not had any rashes at all.

    From what I've read on here I thought that Sudocrem was bad for the shorts?? I'm willing to give it a go if it works well though. I'm sure my new baby to be won't mind if I steal some :D

    FCN : 4
  • Someone posted a while ago that Assos cream is water based and once the antibacterial agent has stopped working it becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. There are alcohol based creams but I can't remember the names.
  • Someone posted a while ago that Assos cream is water based and once the antibacterial agent has stopped working it becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. There are alcohol based creams but I can't remember the names.

    Would alcohol based creams work? Surely the cream would evaporate and although the alcohol would kill the nasties, it would also dry out your gooch quite evilly?
  • sloboy
    sloboy Posts: 1,139
    I think Sudocrem is worth a try - cheap as chips, longlasting, mild enough for a baby's bum ...
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Without being *too* graphic, how extensively does one apply said cream?
  • Interstingly enough the Assos cream container warns not to apply to intimate areas.
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    Yeah but it means the *really* intimate areas :p I just use it on the areas I expect will come in contact with the saddle, it really does help. As for it becoming a germ magnet, well I still wash my undershorts after every ride so I can't see it being more of a problem that not using any cream.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Gussio wrote:
    Without being *too* graphic, how extensively does one apply said cream?
    Best to apply to the chamois pad of your shorts before you put them on - just the bit your sit bones are in contact with, not the whole pad though!

    The cold clammy feeling will soon be replaced by the gentle glow if you have "splashed out" on the Assos cream! If you are using Sudocrem, it stays clammy until you start riding!
  • Apparently this is supposed to be the stuff...

    Never tried it myself but would love to get some (not too graphic) feedback!
    17 years commuting up and down the King\'s Road and i still don\'t get faster...