Legality / Insurance of relatively informal bike rides

nickcuk Posts: 275
edited September 2007 in The bottom bracket
It looks like all cycle clubs have a 3rd party insurance element to their membership fees - so if somebody advertised an informal ride locally which attracted a reasonable bunch of disorganised riders, could there be a liability issue for the organiser ?


  • nickcuk wrote:
    It looks like all cycle clubs have a 3rd party insurance element to their membership fees - so if somebody advertised an informal ride locally which attracted a reasonable bunch of disorganised riders, could there be a liability issue for the organiser ?

    If it's just a group of mates I don't think there would be an issue but you use the word "advertise" so presumably you're opening it up to the public at large so things might get a bit more complicated. To be liable the organisor would have to be negligent and this negligence would have to be the cause of loss to someone, a rider, pedestrain or motorist perhaps. I'd need more information such as the number of riders to advise further. But in brief if you want to go ahead stick to a pre-planned route and insist people have their own insurance. You could get them to sign a disclaimer but these are notoriously difficult to enforce and won't help against claims for personal injury through negligence on your part.

    Good luck
    Beer, the reason my ambitions have not become my achievements
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    I checked this one out with my house contents insurance which gives me 2 000 000 pounds worh of cover and "As long as I am not doing the ride for profit then I am covered' .

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • nickcuk
    nickcuk Posts: 275
    good thought john c