Cycling Plus magazine

carlstone Posts: 602
edited September 2007 in Road beginners
I love this new bikeradar site, the forum, the routes, the bike reviews, news etc. etc.

In fact I like it so much and it has so much info that I am seriously considering cancelling my Cycling Plus subscription. What do you think?

My only reason for not doing this already is that I would have to go back to reading the local free newspaper while sat on the bog :shock: (sorry ladies its a man thing :oops: )


  • Careful - talk like this could be counter-productive :wink:
  • Careful - talk like this could be counter-productive

    I realise you say this in jest but it is true. If, as I understand it bikeradar is partly funded by bike mag sales across the range of cycling activities (as well as banner adverts) could the future be no more mags and a pay per view website? Or the death of the mags and a greater advertising presence on the website?

    Just wonder what everyone else thinks, especially any Future Publishing guys?
  • carlstone wrote:
    ... could the future be no more mags and a pay per view website?
    I've heard this said before about mags and newspapers in general. I think you answered your own question to be honest - not until you can read a website on the bog!* Or on the train, in the doctor's waiting room, on the beach etc....

    Plus there's something about flopping around and reading a mag that you just can't get from a website, same as you don't get this sort of interactivity with a mag. They complement each other, I think.

    *I know it's technically possible using wireless technology, but I wouldn't particularly want to take a laptop to the jacks with me and anything smaller is just too squinty for relaxed surfing, methinks.
    Even if the voices aren't real, they have some very good ideas.
  • As said in the 'what do you do' forum thread, I work in media research and at the moment specialist interest magazines are generally (and we really are talking sweeping generalisation - no specific ABC figs please, boring and often horribly flawed) doing pretty well considering the external pressures.

    It seems like there is a dawning realisation that online content (supplied by mags, newspapers etc) is most appreciated when it's free. Start charging and the numbers collapse as people go elsewhere - the numbers online are more useful for the banner advertisers. Witness how The Guardian has extended it's brand by basically sticking everything on the website, or the NY Times announcement this week that they are going to stop charging for content online as getting people to go to them is more important than getting money out of those people (at this stage, at least). My 2p's worth.
  • I dont like the idea of using the internet while on the bog
  • sloxam
    sloxam Posts: 861
    Shadowduck wrote:
    carlstone wrote:
    ... could the future be no more mags and a pay per view website?
    I've heard this said before about mags and newspapers in general. I think you answered your own question to be honest - not until you can read a website on the bog!* Or on the train, in the doctor's waiting room, on the beach etc....

    Plus there's something about flopping around and reading a mag that you just can't get from a website, same as you don't get this sort of interactivity with a mag. They complement each other, I think.

    *I know it's technically possible using wireless technology, but I wouldn't particularly want to take a laptop to the jacks with me and anything smaller is just too squinty for relaxed surfing, methinks.
    done it when i need a long sit down, but a laptops no good for wiping your jacksy with is it! ((glossy mag not much better).
    i hate hills (cos i'm fat)
  • sloxam wrote:
    [ but a laptops no good for wiping your jacksy with is it! ((glossy mag not much better).

    unless you've got a printer connected

  • What?
    Print out your bog roll and then have the wife bring it up to the toilet for you?
    No way, it's the only peaceful time I get.
    Can you just imagine the amount of nagging you would get for that? :twisted:

    Can we fix it?
    Yes we can!