TT protocol

Richie G
Richie G Posts: 283
edited September 2007 in Road beginners
Just a quick question- what's the official protocol regarding being passed in a TT? Do you have to back of a fraction to make sure the overtaker is far enough ahead so you're not drafting? First open event tomorrow, just wanted to check the rules!



  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    the rules are not to draft,

    When I am lucky enough to overtake someone ( I think I have in the past :) ) I stay out of direct wheelline until I am far enough ahead.

    More usual is when someone overtakes me, if they come straight back in front of me, then I ride a little to the side and not directly behind so as not to draft.

    Back off, no thanks,,, I'm eyeballs out and going for it, changing speed is the worst thing to do.If you ease off then you have to get up to speed again, which can be very tiring as it ruins the rhythm of the ride

    good luck

  • Thanks for that- didn't want to get myself a reputation as a cheating wheelsucker in my first event! It's a 25 so preparing myself for the distinct probability of getting passed quite a bit!
  • Garybee
    Garybee Posts: 815
    It's the responsibility of the person who gets passed to not draft. If this means that you have to back off so as not to take pace from the rider who passes you then that's just bad luck unfortunately.

    Hypocrisy is only a bad thing in other people.
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Richie G wrote:
    Thanks for that- didn't want to get myself a reputation as a cheating wheelsucker in my first event! It's a 25 so preparing myself for the distinct probability of getting passed quite a bit!
    Good luck Richie G! I'll be seeing you next week at the Team Midland 10. :D

  • Garybee wrote:
    It's the responsibility of the person who gets passed to not draft. If this means that you have to back off so as not to take pace from the rider who passes you then that's just bad luck unfortunately.
    That's true to a certain extent. But you don't have to back off, just move out so as you're not in the other riders wheel line.
  • Certain courses I reckon make it difficult for the overtaking rider to give enough space as not to give the other rider no opportunity to draft, one of the course I do is on the A46 at Six Hills near Leicester, moving out to give plenty of space on a road where cars and lorries are flying past is taking your life out of your hands even more than normal!!
    You can lead an elephant to water but a pencil must be lead
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    Chances are the person passing you will be going a fair bit quicker (unless it's your minute man in the last few miles of the 25) so as long as you don't make an effort to get on their wheel they should pretty quickly be in a position where you won't be accused of drafting. I never slowed down or moved for someone when being passed, the only slightly awkward bit I found is if you catch them again later.
  • Certain courses I reckon make it difficult for the overtaking rider to give enough space as not to give the other rider no opportunity to draft, one of the course I do is on the A46 at Six Hills near Leicester, moving out to give plenty of space on a road where cars and lorries are flying past is taking your life out of your hands even more than normal!!

    Funnily enough, the course used part of the the Six Hills 10. Wind was the wrong way this time, so tailwind downhill and headwind going back up! Was passed quite a bit, normally at such a speed drafting wasn't an issue! Just tried to stay slightly to one side. Managed to pass a couple of people myself, although one guy i passed going uphill got me back on the downhill- think he was a bit heavier than me! Ended up with 1:12:56- quite pleased although could have been quicker if i hadn't had to stop because of a broken spoke! couldn't get it out, so managed to wedge it next to another spoke- was fine for the last 10 miles. Then got directed onto the loop i'd already done, so ended up stopping to check with next marshall that i was going the right way! Really enjoyed it, was great to take part in a proper event. just need to work out how to go faster now!

  • OK, next question! Got a 10 on Sunday where to get back to HQ you have to ride along a couple of miles of the course. I reckon i'm likely to be heading back about the same time as the elite men are screaming round the course. Any tips for keeeping out of the way?
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Richie G wrote:
    Got a 10 on Sunday where to get back to HQ you have to ride along a couple of miles of the course. I reckon i'm likely to be heading back about the same time as the elite men are screaming round the course. Any tips for keeeping out of the way?
    Just keep near the kerb (without risking going down gully grids!) and make your way back to the HQ at your own speed - the experienced riders will be used to overtaking slower riders and most of the time the quick guys ride quite far out into the road anyway.

    Most start sheets ask you not to warm up or cool down on the course itself once the event has started, but where you have to retrace part of the route to get back to the HQ, this can't be avoided.
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Richie G wrote:
    OK, next question! Got a 10 on Sunday................
    Sorry to disappoint, but I think your 10 has just been cancelled. :( ... opic=15444

  • Oh no! Been really looking forward to this one- is it worth a phone call to the organiser tp double check do you reckon? I guess roadworks must be a common problem in this country!
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Richie G wrote:
    Oh no! Been really looking forward to this one- is it worth a phone call to the organiser tp double check do you reckon? I guess roadworks must be a common problem in this country!
    Well its the third event this month that I've entered that's been screwed up by roadworks. It certainly feels like a common problem. Still, it's our own silly fault for trying to race on dual carriageways.

    I'm sure it's worth a call to the organiser - though I'm sure the poster of that message will turn out to be correct.

  • Well its the third event this month that I've entered that's been screwed up by roadworks. It certainly feels like a common problem. Still, it's our own silly fault for trying to race on dual carriageways

    Must get frustrating- i was really up for this Sunday! Felt i learned a lot about how to pace myself last week, so was sure i could bag myself a PB before the winter! Also was hpoing to pick Ruth's brain- need to work out how i'm gonna improve ready for next year! (I think i've got the bug!)
  • domtyler
    domtyler Posts: 2,648
    edited March 2011
    Richie G wrote:
    OK, next question! Got a 10 on Sunday where to get back to HQ you have to ride along a couple of miles of the course. I reckon i'm likely to be heading back about the same time as the elite men are screaming round the course. Any tips for keeeping out of the way?

    You should ride in your normal way, it is a public road after all. You'd be stupid to put yourself in extra danger for the sake of someone else's time trial.
    Santeria Forum
    Porridge not Petrol
  • e999sam
    e999sam Posts: 426
    As has been said before it’s your responsibility not to draft an overtaking rider but this should not arise if the field has been placed correctly. In a field of say 100 the fastest rider should go of at 100 the next at 90 and so on down to 10 then the next fastest rider goes at 95 down to 05. The slowest go of at 99 down to 09 then 94 down to 04 and so on until all the places are filled. In this way if you are caught it should be by someone going a good bit faster than you and obviously you shouldn’t jump on their wheel.
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Richie G wrote:
    Must get frustrating- i was really up for this Sunday! Felt i learned a lot about how to pace myself last week, so was sure i could bag myself a PB before the winter! Also was hpoing to pick Ruth's brain- need to work out how i'm gonna improve ready for next year! (I think i've got the bug!)
    Yep, sure is disappointing - my season has come to a premature end as a result. Nothing to be done now but to rest, chill out and make plans for next year.

    You left it a bit late in the season to get started, Rich - so you'll just have to be patient now and train hard through the winter for next year. Still, IIRC you're in a club now so you can get some riding done with them?
