Scotland: touring or painting

painfully slow
painfully slow Posts: 9
edited September 2007 in Tour & expedition
Hi ,

I seem to have lost my identity since cyclingplus changed to Bike Radar. Never mind, now I've an even slower forum name. Here's my question:

Have booked a week off next week and have provisionally planned a solo cycle from Oban, north to Skye, Gairloch, Ullapool, Durness, Tongue, Lairg, then back on the train from Inverness. Alternatively, the hall, stairs and landing need re-painting, a week's work. Other pertinent fact: Mrs Slow would like the house painting.

Take a look at metcheck for the weather. Westerly gales and plenty of rain. In my position, who'd go? Who'd paint the house?


  • mandie
    mandie Posts: 218
    I'd do a combination the two. Take some water colours and paint the scenery.
    The west coast always looks better with a bit of weather. But the descision probly depends upon whether you think you might find the front door lock changed when you get back.
    We\'ll kick against the darkness \'till it bleeds daylight
  • sloe
    sloe Posts: 17
    As a professional painter and tiler, unmarried lifelong hillwalking Scot, and amateur cycle tourer with very recent experience of the Utter Hebrides I'd say:

    The way the weather's been lately don't decide till the day before.

    And if the worst comes to the worst, if it's a dark space paint it in warmer colour/s, if light then emphasise the light.

    PS ... apNo=17&c=
  • KeithG
    KeithG Posts: 1,010
    I'd think twice if I was camping, the evenings can be awfully long listening to the rain on the canvas and it is getting dark by 7pm now. Then again we are due for an Indian summer, whatever that is.
    Do it with B&Bs or hostelling if you can, the way our summer has been it means you can enjoy the evening and dry your kit and travel lighter.
    Good news is all the midges have been drowned though!
    You've chosen a good route and it could be easily shortened by heading for Inverness early if the forecast is dire and you have got fed up with the weather.
    Another good thing is the quieter roads and going by the winds lately you'll have a tail wind too.
    Ask yourself which will give you the most satisfaction next year, memories of a tour or admiring your new paintwork... you know it makes sense!
  • crackle
    crackle Posts: 216
    yes but you will get wet, it's rained every day up here for some or large part of the day for the last week or so and it's quite breezy at the moment, with average temperature about 10-12C, proper Autumn weather. And, as said, the midges, though not quite dead, are not so bad, certainly shouldn't bother you too much. Hope you're fit, there's a few hills in that route!
