Front Brake??

Jack04 Posts: 60
edited September 2007 in MTB general

I have got a rear Hope Mono M4 and is a brilliant brake but I want to get a front for more stopping power and am just wanting to know what disc brake to get..I would be looking to get a hope and I dont want to spend to much!



  • chain raction cycles have some pretty good prices for hope discs, but if you look around in the disc brake section you can find some other top brands like avid + hayes etc. for equally reasonably cheap prices.

    well i havn't looked too far really but the ones on their website seem pretty good value for money mostly.
  • joed05
    joed05 Posts: 794
    just go for a front M4, its got plenty of power, maybe even too much if set up properly.
    Best quote ever (pinkbike): "i've heard that Hill pees, deffecates, vomits and masturbates before each race to keep the weight down"