
volvine Posts: 409
edited September 2007 in Road beginners
Hi all
i am getting a little worried as i have a long ride comming up in three weeks and am finding when i am out training i set off turning a decent gear but very quickly tire then being forced to turn a baby gear cause i'm knackered i know this has a lot to do with lack of fitness but i really struggle to set of at a nice pace so i can maintain it and get some miles in any advise.


  • Pagem
    Pagem Posts: 244
    volvine wrote:
    Hi all
    i am getting a little worried as i have a long ride comming up in three weeks and am finding when i am out training i set off turning a decent gear but very quickly tire then being forced to turn a baby gear cause i'm knackered i know this has a lot to do with lack of fitness but i really struggle to set of at a nice pace so i can maintain it and get some miles in any advise.

    use a hr monitor and stay in a moderate 'zone'. eat and drink lots whilst on the bike.
    Only the meek get pinched. The bold survive.
  • volvine
    volvine Posts: 409
    Thanks pagem what would you consider a moderate zone?????
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    How fast is "very quickly" (as in before you tire)? It's odd to go suddenly from being able to go at a decent pace to struggling on the granny ring over only a short ride. Are you gasping for air or is it mostly your legs screaming, or do your legs just feel dead? Are you eating/drinking properly before a ride?
  • volvine
    volvine Posts: 409
    no power in legs after say 1/2 hour just struggling to discipline myself to set off a little slower so i can last longer. Energy drink on board with electrolites in don't eat anything whilst out though would do if i was out say 2-3 hours but only have time for say 1 hour -1 1/2 hour rides during week.
    thinking of going running also to help with fitness.
  • How long have you been cycling?
  • You just need to get out and ride. Have you any friends or a local club that perhaps does a shorter Saturday ride that you can tag along with?

    They'll push you and the change in your ability will be much faster than if you try to do it solo.
  • Gotta get some flat easy miles in to condition yourself. May sound daft but try talking out loud - if you can get a sentance out without gasping then your pace is about right. OK it might be slower than you like but walk before run an all that.

    Bit worried bout the saturday club run advice - if its anything like most (non-sunday) club runs around here then in your current condition you will not manage one mile!!
  • I'm the opposite. I'm new to this riding but i feel at my worse for about two or three miles, but once i seemed to have warmed up i feel great. I stay at a steady speed but have noticed this keeps improving the more i cycle and the fitter and stronger i get and therein lies the moral you only get out what you put in
  • volvine
    volvine Posts: 409
    thanks bigmug i just wish there where flat easy miles where i am i'll be climbing like Micheal Rasmussen next year hahaha.