My first 100 miles!!! Lancaster to York (BHF)

cexton Posts: 83
edited September 2007 in Road beginners
Hi All,

I completed my first 100 mile bike ride yesterday for charity.

Its probably the hardest thing I have ever done even though I trained for 2 months nothing prepared for the size of some of the hills, but I didn't get off once to push so I am chuffed to bits.

Did anyone else do the Lancaster to York ride yesterday? I woull be interested to know how you felt about the ride? and how you feel today?

Chris :-)


  • abi26
    abi26 Posts: 18
    congratulations :D
  • nice one son..

    how long did it take you??
  • I took me 7 hrs and 53 mins
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    Nice one - not too a shabby time as well. You should be pleased with your achievement and bask in the wonder when non-cyclists say '100 miles ON A BIKE you must be mad'.
    Brian B.
  • Well done!

    I've just done my first 100km, so this inspires me do to do the ton next year.

  • cexton wrote:
    Hi All,

    I completed my first 100 mile bike ride yesterday for charity.

    Its probably the hardest thing I have ever done even though I trained for 2 months nothing prepared for the size of some of the hills, but I didn't get off once to push so I am chuffed to bits.

    Did anyone else do the Lancaster to York ride yesterday? I woull be interested to know how you felt about the ride? and how you feel today?

    Chris :-)

    Well done Chris :D , I'm due to do the Oxford to Cambridge (85 miles) for the BHF in a couple of weeks. This should be quite easy compared to Lancaster to York but it'll still be the furthest I've ridden before.

    These charity rides are good fun. I did the L2B earlier this year on an old MTB and enjoyed it so much that I've become hooked on cycling. I've now got a Focus Cayo Expert and have been out on it whenever I get the chance.
    Beer, the reason my ambitions have not become my achievements
  • I'm doing the BHF Oxford to Cambridge as well. I'm assuming that it will be pretty flat....which I hope is true because that's what I promised my girlfriend to make her sign up!!
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • I'm doing the BHF Oxford to Cambridge as well. I'm assuming that it will be pretty flat....which I hope is true because that's what I promised my girlfriend to make her sign up!!

    I understand that there are a couple of hills early on but nothing too serious... I hope
    Beer, the reason my ambitions have not become my achievements
  • Well done!...I too did my first 100 miler on saturday too, just me on my own, actually 103.1 miles according to my Garmin and 7500 ft of ascending. Also a hilly route Harrogate - Grassington - Hawes - Leyburn - Ripon - Harrogate.
    Blooming hilly too the hill from Hubberholme climbs 2000 feet before you freefall into Hawes...lovely scenery but tough.
    Managed it ok, but am really pleased with myself to have cracked the ton..not something I will do too often, 50/60 milers are a nicer distance for me time wise and energy wise.
    And by god the Guiness tasted good on saturday night after that!